Ten years of Aceh peace: Testimony of four former GAM combatants


Part of the former Free Aceh Movement (GAM) combatant, GAM admitted experiencing difficulty in living its life after the armed conflict ended by a peace agreement ten years ago. Although the reintegration program has been established for ex-combatants, such as the provision of funds, but in fact the program is not a panacea.

Most of the former GAM soldiers are believed to be still in poverty, so some of them are tempted to cut corners, by committing a crime. BBC Indonesia interviewed four former GAM combatants in Banda Aceh, who have a different background and life following a peace agreement. The following is his excerpt: Syarifuddin aka Bang Mustache (Birth of 1974, former military commander of GAM in a region in West Aceh, now working odd jobs, involvement of an official car service for Vice Regent of East Aceh, June 2015) There has not been a serious approach by the Aceh government to me and my friends, fellow combatants of GAM combatants. Once promised money, but I never received it. I want the Aceh government to create jobs for former GAM soldiers. The field of work is important, in addition to working capital, of course. Thanks

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