The most unpopular subject

Our word to another creates a world for them.
One word to another, promise to be somewhere and do something has initiated a chain of events which involve many other people down the line, most of which we don't know...
One word has created a world for another person/people.
Our word can either create win-win situations, where things flow, (when we keep our word), or loose-loose (there is never win-loose), when we break our word, and do nothing to clean it up and find a way to make it work (thinking about the others world).
We live life most of us with such a weak relationship to our WORD, that we create havoc daily, and we conclude our breaking our word to another with using the word: 'sorry'- sorry I cannot make it, sorry I cannot come, sorry I'm sick, sorry my dog, cat, elephant, bird, crocodile, whatever is sick, sorry my this my that. "Sorry"- letting oneself off the hook, dishonoring the chain of events we just created in another persons world, and staying a victim of circumstances. 🙄
Bottom line- sorry is just that - a sorry ass word that has zero power, a weak word of victimhood and being at the EFFECT of life rather than being at the CAUSE of it. 🤯
Next time we give our WORD to someone, I think it's good to remember that we are creating a world for them, and honor and respect our word before we let it out of our mouth. 🤯


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