10 seconds the shortest date with the employer

10 seconds a date - seems a very short date .

I do not remember what happens in the dating world, but in the world of job search, the first 10 seconds they decide to clone or be merciful in all three meetings with the potential employer:

  •      CV
  •       Phone interview (part of the video interview cases)
  •       one interview
     In each interview the interviewer is impressed with the candidate in the first 10 seconds. A good impression will lead to the continuation of the process (not guaranteeing acceptance to work), but it has a positive effect on the continuation of the process.

Here, too, as in the dating world, Google plays an important role, and on a date like a date, employers turn to Google and check for it at an older age, and everything we upload to Facebook and others is revealed to potential employers.

The world has changed, what to do - an institution that is looking for workers uses a number of ways to find workers, and everywhere it is offered a lot - sometimes hundreds of candidates, and the employer tries to find the most suitable candidates.

The first meeting is a resume - and the 10-second rule applies in this case - a document from a goal-oriented job.

At our age we have achieved and achieved so many things and really feel that every detail is important, and the employer will be so impressed by my successes, so no! He wants only what is relevant to the position he offers

  •      I ran the Israeli Cinema House in Cannes and the list of all the films presented - really irrelevant
  •      I ran a computerized warehouse of - and all the products in the warehouse, really boring.
  •      Office manager - is responsible for the list of assignments from 8:00 am until the end of the working day - are not allowed.

Therefore, the document, in Word format, contains only details relevant to the requirements of the employer: education, employment experience, languages, computer applications. A CV document should be prepared that contains data that fit the requirements of the employer It is worth adding the relevant professional strengths in the document: For example, 30 years of experience in accounting and software knowledge ... An experienced software engineer

The rule of thumb on the resume Self-examination: Should I continue to read the resume I wrote as an employer?

We succeeded in stage one - the employer decided there was something to talk about, and hop, we jumped on a tax date. 2 The telephone interview

  • A telephone interview is an interview for a matter - the 10-second rule also states here. Therefore, it is important to concentrate on the employer's questions and answer in a short and concise manner. This is the time to ask a short number of questions that are important to the candidate, such as hours of work, working conditions and estimated wages. In order to ensure the success of the interview, you have to find a quiet place to talk - to leave a room full of people, to stop the vehicle on the side of the road,

A long breath, our answers impressed the interviewer and were invited to a frontal interview:

The 10 second principle also has an impression of the external appearance

Like a date (if you forget you ask the children) you have to arrive in a suitable way for a "working date", men : dressed neatly ironed - but not for the wedding

Women : neat, light-haired, combed - but that's not the grandson's bar mitzvah, more going out for coffee with friends.

And the role of Google came - now there is the name of the company we are going to interview and the name of the interviewer, it's time to study the company and prepare for the exam, just like any other examination. It is important to learn what the company is doing, what products it sells or manufactures. What is the structure of the company and how my position fits into the fabric of the roles. (In secret, this is what young people do today before they meet for the first time on a real date, after chatting, over the phone).

Our goal in the interview is to keep the interviewer's interest all the way, once he decides that we are not for him - that there is no match, he will begin to scorn the interview so (remember the dating world) should keep his curiosity and interest:

  •      Listen carefully to the interviewer's questions and answer "the matter"
  •      Show self-confidence, not arrogance and do not get from the position of wretchedness.

And the question that appears in each "manual" for interviewing employers' candidates

tell me about yourself

Personal Story - After I retired from the job I worked for 20 years I went back to the dating world with employers and to this day I still do not understand what the interviewers want to hear, I think they are not closed on the answer - but everyone ask then they also ask:

  •      It is recommended to prepare an answer that includes a brief mapping of the professional resume, specifying relevant strengths and successes. The difference between us and the young is the length of our story, what young people aged 30+ can tell: Military service, studies, student work and successes - I became a family reunion after a year, and a role or two that made a great graduation. (I am married to a woman teacher and I have 3 children and 5 grandchildren is no no .) On the other hand, if we have something special, it is worthwhile to mention it - I have been practicing for the marathon and recently participated in the Jerusalem marathon. Cyclists, "addicted" to science fiction movies - will allow the interviewer to get to know you more deeply (making macrame out of bounds).
  •      I hope the question of what your main disadvantage is lost from the world - because I do not have an answer: love to sleep late, not the most organized in the world, a bit obsessive?
  •      Success points - to emphasize our role in the work of the team - because with the hand on the heart, we are not Mark Zuckerberg - and also said that he did not invent facebook  alone. We have also not found a cure for cancer on our own - a little modesty has not harmed yet, and on the other hand it can present you as people who succeed in working on a team and know how to contribute to success and shoulder when necessary.

And each long article is designed to help you succeed in 10 seconds to get through a job interview.

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