3 Things That Employees Dislike About Their Employers

It's now easy to find a good job nowadays. No matter how qualified you are, you'll probably have to go through the same fate. But here's the fact, not all people go through the same fate because of their luck and special blessings of God. But it's also a fact that having a nice job is the dream of most people and they are yet to achieve their dream.

Even if you've found a job, there's no guarantee that you'll like your employer or the manager. Usually, you'll have to ignore some issues if you want to keep your job but things are unfair everywhere and therefore, one day or the other, you'll find yourself completely uncomfortable and move somewhere else. That's the reason why I believe that business is better than a job.

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Though business is better, it requires a start-up capital which most people don't have to invest. In such scenario, you'll have to use the highest grade of patience to succeed and know that you're not the only one in the world who's facing this problem. In this article, we'll discuss some common things that employees dislike about their employers.

# 1 - Lack of promotion opportunities:

Assume that you just found a job, now it's time to ask yourself, "Is there any chance to get the promotion in future?" probably yes, but your employer won't like to provide that promotion until you show your best performance to him and prove that you deserve to get that promotion.

But here's the thing, most employers care less about the performance and they give those promotion opportunities based on their favoritism (i.e to the people they like). What to do? Just keep showing your performance and gain the experience in that firm and work there until you find a better job.

# 2 - Being asked to overwork:

Maintaining your schedule of 8 am to 6 pm seems nice but the problem starts when your manager demands you to overwork more frequently. Yeah, doing overwork is acceptable if that's only for sometimes but if you're being asked frequently to do overwork for little to no reason, you'll definitely get pissed off.

The best thing to do in that case is contacting the boss and talk about it to him. But before you do, make sure that you have enough evidence of your innocence and make sure that you don't say something directly to the manager. Keep your attitude positive for everyone.

# 3 - Unfair Pay:

This is one of the biggest complaints of employees. I'm not sure for the US but as for Pakistan, you'll find that average wage is around 10,000 to 15,000 PKR which translates to $100 to $150 approx. And if you compare the expense VS salary, you'll notice that there is clearly a difference of $50 to $100. Yes, cost of living in Pakistan is not that much but also the salary sucks.

I have many friends abroad and they usually tell me that they are going through same fate in other countries, so it's not a specific problem of this specific country. And looking at the internet, there are many complaints of unfair pay against the employers.

These are the obstacles that most people face even after being qualified. That's why I believe that business and blockchain technology is the way to go. If you're expert in something, better show off your skills by using blockchain technology and invent your own project.

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