Possible False Flag Oppurtunity

War games planned for Aug 23, 2017, simulating an EMP attack/cyber attack/ earthquake in the US will test the response for the government. Now if a real one happens on that day it will be blamed on North Korea/Iran/Russia/China so that the U.S. can finally attack North Korea/Iran.
A few years ago, I remember hearing, an interview with an Author of a preparedness book on coast to coast am. He mentioned a North Korean EMP, or an Iranian Hack attack, as possible False Flags that have been planned by the Intelligence service of a Cozy U.S. ally in the middle east. ( cough,cough) Without the Name of the author or the book, that little anecdote is unverifiable but it stuck with me for some reason. The stage is set, the enemies are clear, for the reset button to be pushed. Markets will crash, monetary chaos will spread, then the cashless world currency will swoop in to save us all. Not one that we already use, or know of, or create. The one that solidifies the wealth where it is, and keeps the masses down.

This guy has some good videos.

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