Will WATER save the world?

No. Water is not a new cryptocurrency. Not yet anyway. Water is natures distributed ledger as you will see in this article.

In this vlog on youtube
you can see that water receives and stores vibrational and intentional energy and that information is dimension-ally visible when water is crystallized (frozen). If you watch the video you will see proof that water recieves and stores infmatioin. If you do just a little more study you will also understand that all recievers of information must also be transmitters of information.

What that means for us is .. if a person intentionally inputs the experience of harmony into their family's water supply it will have an affect upon your family. You can expect some degree of improved household harmony.

Without going into great detail and blather this blog is a request that you the reader write the words harmony and clarity on the families water supply somewhere in your home while feeling the same emotion. Then just observe your family and remain aware of your intent and whether there are any behavioral changes.

I am most interested in your experiences and would love to hear about them below.

As an addendum, I would like you to intend that the harmony and clarity that you placed upon the crystalline structure of your local water is expanding exponentially out into the world. Let it expand like the waves from a stone thrown into a lake. Let your intent for harmony and clarity spread completely into every nook and cranny of the Earth's water cycle.

In this way the vibration of harmony and clarity becomes distributed onto the crystalline lattice of the water structure all over the planet. Every time you have a drink you are exposed to harmony and clarity. Every time you shower you are exposed. Every person you meet is exposed to harmony and clarity through the water in their bodies and the moist environment in which we live.

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