Tantric Emotional Liberation


Sex can be used as an escape, a way to run away from our feelings, to run from the present moment.. Sex can become another addiction as we see so rampant in our world. Yet sex can also be a way to deepen in self, to feel your body, your emotions, to open as pure love and consciousness.

To feel emotions, to feel self is one of the exquisite gifts of being alive as a human.

Liberate yourself sexually and emotionally. Bring whatever emotions you are feeling into love making or self pleasure.

Today I was experiencing deep grief. I brought this grief into my self pleasure practice, staying present in the grief, I touch myself and invite the grief to flow through my body, feeling grief, expanding as grief, the grief moves through me, transforming into pleasure. In choosing to feel the grief, I honour it, when emotions are honoured they don’t need to burrow into our cells, to fester, cause disease and rise to the surface later. As I continue to self pleasure I move into deep connection to trust, trusting the perfection of every moment as unfair and unjust as the world can seem, I trust, I love, I feel pure joy to be alive and feel every moment, the pain, sadness, joy, pleasure, anger, happiness for this allows me to live fully, to love fully.

Feeling can be scary. A common fear is, what if I get stuck in the feeling? Yet really by not feeling, you get stuck in the emotion as you now do every thing you can do to not feel. Which means if you’re not feeling pain you are denying yourself the opportunity to fully feel joy and pleasure.

We are energy, emotions are energy. I celebrate your feelings. Next time you feel an emotion that is uncomfortable and heavy bring it into making love or self pleasure, invite it to fill you, and flow through you, so it may be honoured, come to completion and transform into pleasure and love, your true nature.


Live to Love
Love to Live
Live your Bliss

Loving you

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