EMMARES tips — designing a landing page that brings results

If we look at modern methods of marketing, email marketing proves incredibly effective. The ROI on an organization’s efforts can be as high as 3800%, or $38 for every dollar spent. Consider that 77% of ROI comes from segmented, targeted, and triggered campaigns. That positions email marketing at the top.


But there is a big difference between creating a mediocre mailing or the one where you actually achieve the goal you’ve set up. Here are a few tips and tricks on how to do just that and we’ll start by explaining the foundations.

If you’re familiar with landing pages, you’ve probably heard the term “squeeze page” before. But what exactly is a squeeze page? In a nutshell, squeeze page is similar to a landing page, except it’s a more specific version of it.

Landing page is a standalone page that is created to fulfill a specific conversion goal. Landing page goals can vary; from free trial sign-ups, building your email base, downloading a guide or an e-book, etc.

For the rest of the article; https://medium.com/emmares/emmares-tips-designing-a-landing-page-that-brings-results-ddd3c4885789


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