The All-New Ember.js - Version 3.1

Ember.js is an open-source JavaScript web framework that is used to create web applications. The ultimate usage of ember.js is to develop scalable single page web apps with the use of common code-idioms. Every JavaScript developer is familiar with Ember.js because of its unique features and high-accessible qualities. Therefore, the top brand companies such as Chipotle, Twitch TV, LinkedIn, Live nation etc. have their web apps developed by the Ember.js framework. This also signifies that the Ember.js experts are in high demand for this computing world. Therefore, developers who want to be a part of one of the biggest JavaScript framework can surf online sites for programming practice to master their skills on Ember.js.

As the JS framework is in demand, the Ember.js team is regularly working for developing advanced versions of the framework with more accessible features. This article is an introduction to the newly released version of Ember.js in 2018.

Ember.js 3.1

The release of Ember.js 3.1 has introduced several new features and bug fixes for web developers. Few of these new features are:

1. ES5 Getters for Computed Properties
The web developers are now authorized to read the calculated values of the computed properties with the help of ES5 Getters. Also, the existing codebase can be converted to ES5 getters by installing jscodeshift to run es5-getter-ember-codemod.

2. New optional feature
The new version of Ember framework validates web developers to disable some of the features that is inbuilt in other versions.

a) Application Template Wrapper- The earlier versions of ember.js have the inbuilt feature to wrap div around the application. Web Developers can now disable the automatic wrapper div around Ember apps and tests. Similarly, in testing, there is another <.ember-view> wrapper inside the #ember-testing container that is an inbuilt feature in every ember.js feature. Now, with the use of Ember.js 3.1, web developers can remove it if they find this feature of no good use.

b) Template-only Glimmer Components- In earlier versions of Ember.js components, an element is essentially built in the DOM and the contents of templates inside that DOM element are then treated as "innerHTML". This makes it harder to learn several parts of the API of the framework for the web developers. In Ember.js 3.1 version "Template-only Glimmer Component" reduces this tension.

3. Positional Params Bug Fix
In Ember 3.1 web developers can validate the correct implementation of contextual components to act like a proper closure. This helps to fix positional params behavior to match the function.

So these are a few major changes that will make it easier for programmers to develop web apps with Ember.js 3.1. These changes are easy to learn and implement. The coders must go for rigorous coding practice on online platforms for boosting their performance and efficiently use the new features. Platforms like CodeFights not only give a stand to practice, they also familiarize you with concepts for interview practice.

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