Wio Terminal Features Microchip SAMD51 MCU, Dual-Band WiFI & Bluetooth WiFI, and 2.4" LCD

Microchip SAM D5x Arm Cortex-M4 microcontrollers were introduced in 2017, and the next year we started to see Arduino or MicroPython compatible board brought to market including Adafruit Metro M4 or Tachyon boards.

Seeed Studio has now introduced its own Arduino & MicroPython compatible SAMD51 platform with Wio Terminal also integrating an RTL8720DN dual-band WiFi 4 and Bluetooth 5.0 chip, and 2.4" LCD display. There are also Grove connectors to add sensor modules, and a 40-pin header to use the device like a Raspberry Pi HAT.

Wio Terminal

Wio Terminal features and specifications:

  • MCU - Microchip SAMD51 (ATSAMD51P19) Arm Cortex-M4F microcontroller

The full article can be found @ https://www.cnx-software.com/2020/03/14/wio-terminal-features-microchip-samd51-mcu-dual-band-wifi-bluetooth-wifi-and-2-4-lcd/
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