QNAP QSW-1105-5T 2.5 Gbps Ethernet Switch Targets Home Users

While Gigabit Ethernet has reigned supreme in the home over the years, 2.5 Gbps, 5 Gbps, or even 10 Gbps Ethernet has been used for a while in the enterprise.

But if you intended to upgrade your home network to 2.5 Gbps Ethernet (aka 2.5GbE) possibly with an ODROID-H2+ single board computer in the mix, you may have found 2.5GbE switches are pretty expensive going for several hundred dollars.

QNAP QSW-1105-5T 2.5Gbps Ethernet Switch

But QNAP has just launched its first 2.5Gbps Ethernet switch specifically designed for home users with a price in the $100 range, and available in Amazon UK for 108
The full article can be found @ https://www.cnx-software.com/2020/07/21/qnap-qsw-1105-5t-2-5-gbps-ethernet-switch-targets-home-users/

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