Efinix Releases Three RISC-V Software-Defined SoC's Optimized for Trion FPGA's

Efinix has announced three RISC-V Software-defined SoC's based on Charles Papon's VexRiscv core and optimized for the company's Trion T8 to T120 FPGA's.

VexRiscv is a 32-bit RISC-V CPU using  RISCV32I ISA with M and C extensions, has five pipeline stages (fetch, decode, execute, memory, and writeback), and a configurable feature set. Each SoC includes a RISC-V core, memory, as well as various I/O and interfaces.

RISC-V Opal SoC for Trion FPGA
Opal SoC Block Diagram - Click to Enlarge

Key features for each of three RISC-V SoC's:

  • Ruby SoC
    • FPGA footprint - ~12K LEs/78 RAM blocks
    • Performance - 50 MHz

The full article can be found @ https://www.cnx-software.com/2020/06/06/efinix-releases-three-risc-v-software-defined-socs-optimized-for-trion-fpgas/
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