Elysian - a platform for e-commerce on the blockchain


We all talk about blockchain as a technology for the future, but so far practically no products have been implemented in practice that would take advantage of this mechanism and were used in the daily routine of an ordinary person. In search of such a project, I found and became interested in ICO Elysian, a decentralized platform for electronic commerce. Let's take a closer look and look at the basic concepts of this project.
Initially, it should be said that Elysian intends to use the Proof-of-Authority consensus algorithm, the principle of which is the availability of pre-approved nodes that perform both the mining functions and vote on changes in the network. So a new node can be added to the Elysian blockchain system only by voting already approved nodes. This is the meaning of this consensus, in which all actions are carried out by agreement through a vote. The project team notes that in this way they will be able to achieve security in the storage of personal information of users, including billing data, which will result in increased confidence in users of e-commerce, attract a new stream of customers, make the modern world look at the technology another angle,

Examining the existing experience in Internet trading, Elysian notes the importance of leaving the user-friendly interface, because excessive gadgets can scare off a potential uninformed client. All the giants of the digital industry are based on a certain balance sheet, where powerful technical solutions are covered with the most convenient and understandable for the masses of the masses.
Elysian aims to use the capabilities of artificial intelligence. Modern technologies are already ripe for such a bold move and Elysian will be one of the adepts of this direction. What does this mean? For the user - increasing the convenience of navigation on electronic trading platforms, an individual system of recommendations, calculating user preferences and offering relevant products, for the seller - the most important indicator in the form of increasing sales.
Thinnk on this all with advanced technology? It seemed that there could already be a steeper set of blockchain in e-commerce and artificial intelligence. Hold on tight. Elysian integrates virtual reality into its solution! This is undoubtedly a very interesting direction and its practical implementation will allow us to achieve a completely new level of interaction between sellers and buyers. The technical documentation of the project states that users will be able to customize their virtual reality in accordance with their unique preferences.

Active work to expand their community positively affects the popularization of the project and will positively affect the geography of platform integration.
The team of the project fundamentally approaches its work and very soberly estimates the amount of work necessary to achieve such high bars. Until the end of 2018 it is planned to implement the desktop and mobile versions of its own purse. The next year is planned for the labor market, in which it is planned to implement its own detachment for working with data, the launch of the Elysian platform itself and the integration of crypto currency exchange technology without the participation of third parties - Atomic Swap. In the medium-term horizon, plans are being made to expand the altcoins supported by the platform, to open strategic offices in Europe and Asia, to integrate into the platform of artificial intelligence and virtual reality. In the long term, the goal is to cover one percent of all online shopping resources by 2024.
Thus, the Elysian platform will be a useful symbiosis of advanced technologies, such as artificial intelligence and virtual reality, with the security of storing and using personal data, which is a characteristic feature of the use of the detachment. At the same time, the scalability of the applied technology is noted, which means the possibility of increasing and expanding the quantitative application of the solution without harming performance. Achievement of the set goals will allow the Elysian project to become the advanced platform in the field of electronic commerce, and this is seen as quite possible, as the trend of trade development shows the shift and shifting of trade turnover from physical form to electronic. The Elysian platform is a two-way profitable solution,
Website: https://elycoin.io/
BTT ANN Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3333050.msg34852238#msg34852238
Whitepaper: https://elycoin.io/whitepaper/english
Telegram: https://t.me/elysian_ely

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