Frozen Elsa, Fun Time Spiderman, YouTube BS exposed! #ElsaGate, Super Heros in Real Life

Frozen Elsa, Fun Time Spiderman, YouTube BS exposed! #ElsaGate, Super Heros in Real Life

I wanted to create a video that might show up in the search results for this Frozen Elsa, Sofia, and Spiderman crap that is showing up online. If you type in "Frozen Elsa" or "Fun Time Spiderman" or a few other searches what shows up is disgusting nonsense by a few channels like "SuperHero in Real Life", which are run by people in the banking industry, see Honeybee Video linked below.

We need to expose these channels for what they are and get this crap off YouTube. Somehow YouTube not only allows these channels to exist but actively promotes them to the tune of a few million views each, and they can be found on YouTube Kids. It is complete bullshit, YouTube will censor my channel exposing these sick channels putting this #ElsaGate crap up, but will promote those channels, it's a massive double standard. You have to wonder why YouTube is doing this type of thing, well Google anyways, who seem to be promoting filth targeted at children while censoring people fighting for children's rights like me. Basically Google hates children.

The argument that these #ElsaGate videos are for adults is bullshit as well. These videos show up on "Kids YouTube", and they are of characters like "Sofia" which is a Disney Princess that is only featured in children's shows. This would be like a cigarette company using Elsa to promote smoking cigarettes, which anyone would be appalled at. However in this case they are promoting sex, over indulgence, vaccines, bdsm (bondage) and teaching children about a whole variety of adult content, and no one cares. Well I care and so do you I bet, so let's spread this information to warn parents and expose Google / YouTube for their double standard bullshit.

I intentionally used the same tags, the same title and a similar thumbnail to these sick videos as a way to expose them. Let's see if my video with the same information gets a few million views like these sick videos get or if Google censors my video while still promoting these sick ElsaGate films. I already know the answer, but it will be a good test to see and prove Google is actively view count suppressing important information.

Parents please watch what your children are looking at online. Limit their online time per day. and put the computer in an area where you can see what they are looking at. Merely switching to Kids YouTube won't protect your children from adult content as these sick ElsaGate videos are not age restricted in any way.

Screw YouTube please go over and Sub me on @Bitchute:

Please "Enjoy" The YouTube Film:

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Links for More Research

HoneyBee Video on who is behind these ElsaGate Videos: Video, Steemit Blog:

SGT Report Video about YouTube Censorship: Video, Steemit Blog:

ReallyGraceful Video on ElsaGate: Video, Steemit Blog:

Spitting truth w/ Titus Show 4 on ElsaGate and more: Video, Steemit Blog:

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