Elrond- The Brand New Digital Network

Elrond is one of the most remarkable projects of recent times. After the IEO was made on the Binance exchange, it brought a 12-times gain to its investors. As with any Binance IEO, it may appear as an expected gain. But Elrond is not just an ordinary project listed in Binance. It promises much more. Let's see about Elrond's extraordinary high-speed.

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Elrond Network has recently emerged as one of the most important ecosystems. The most important priority of the ecosystem is the ability to preserve the decentralized structure as well as the ability to efficiently uncover scalability with high levels of security. Although the conditions required to increase efficiency have changed, the main goal has been focused on the main network strengthening mechanisms. In this way, it would maximize processing speed and provide a decentralized infrastructure against cyber attacks. Elrond has an open-source system. If any problems are encountered, the team corrects the problem immediately.
Elrond remains committed to the long-awaited roadmap. The team is well-known for its meticulous work.This would be one of the biggest advantages of investors and developers.


ELROND has an open-source system, known as Adaptive State Sharding and Secure Proof of Stake.
It has an ecosystem that can be adapted in accordance with Secret Proof of Stake agreements. With its decentralized feature, ELROND provides a harmonious structure and encourages collaboration. This makes it easier to reveal ideas that can be adapted.

Adaptive State Sharding:

This contract emerged with the idea of sharing on the blockchain simultaneously in virtualization. Data can be decentralized, peer-to-peer, or securely shared through protocols. Using a model outdoors can be considered as a plus.

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Secure Proof of Stake(SPoS):

We can talk about a situation that will change and improve the PoS mission as we know. We can confirmed that we are facing a safer and more original idea. According to the scale of the token found in the hub changes, it comes up with the idea of an open door. This does not only reduce selection time but also creates a more harmonious work program with the Elrond team. One of the most important objectives of SPoS can be seen as gaining more time in the ecosystem and paving the way for token replacement more freely.
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Transaction Speed:

This might be one of the most important features of Elrond. Within the ecosystem, it reaches a speed of 10000 tps with a bandwidth of 8mb and sets a record that is difficult to break. It might be the fastest transfer unit among the cryptocurrencies. Compare to other assets such as; Visa, which authorizes credit cards, known as 5000tps. The cryptocurrencies such as, Ethereum, known as the main altcoin, has 15 tps and bitcoin, known as the ancestor of blockchain technology, has only 7 tps.

Elrond's performance exceeds all the cryptocurrencies and shows a higher transaction speed than the credit cards as we use in our daily routine.


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Elrond fascinates with its high transaction speed compare to other cryptocurrencies. It has recently launched IEO in Binance which gained a lot of reputation by angel investors. Elrond will lie onto keeps it's loyal to the roadmap.

You can get more information about Elronds as it follows.

Website: https://elrond.com/
Whitepaper: https://elrond.com/files/Elrond_Whitepaper_EN.pdf
Telegram: https://t.me/ElrondNetwork
Medium: https://medium.com/elrondnetwork
Twitter: https://twitter.com/elrondnetwork

Elrond nickname: saphinesdevil

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