El Paso shooter Photos on news do not match including, Multiple Shooters witnessed, how the father of Patrick Crusius is a therapist connected to Brazil's John of God the pedophile

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In this article you will find

  • Screenshots and a clip of some eye-witnesses and what really occurred at the shooting in the El Paso Walmart.

  • Will the public ever get to see the Walmart Camera security footage?

  • some interesting info about Walmart's cloud services which they needed in an effort to compete with Amazon and a link for further information.

  • evidence where msm states, not once but twice that parents from the Parkland Shooting just happened to be there from Florida to put up a mural. He uses the exact phrasing, "Just Happened to be here." Why is that the Common phrasing used when people know there are No Coincidences?

  • Photos do Not match from shooting to arrest. WHY?

  • Evidence in clip how those on the radical left catfish libertarians and those who support logic over emotion

  • Evidence of El Paso Shooter's father being a therapist, who stated he was connected to Brazil's John Of God

  • How the shooter's dad was connected to a speaker talking about CIA mind control trauma based programming and some connections with various Lincoln Park areas that fit this bill.

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Arrest photo, clearly Not cargo pants and build is different.

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Early on people claimed multiple shooters,

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Here is a clip where a mother states she saw 3 or 4 shooters.

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Click here to see footage

There are some great citizen journalists out there keeping an Eye out. Laura L. found this and posted on one of my recent posts,

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Also from Laura L.

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Operation Northwoods



Why would they want to do this? What do they need to distract from Right Now?

FBI Implicated In Destroying Evidence To Help Hillary Clinton

Who are they desperately trying to disparage and get the mass population to discount, mock, ignore? Would they go to Any lengths to do so to save

  • themselves?
  • their careers?
  • their control?
  • their money trail?

Here's just how far they will go.

Notice this just came out recently, this year. WHY? People like Bill Cooper, who wrote on this topic and they have tried to disparage for his truth telling, never promoted them to put out such a document. Why now? Is it because there are Far More people doing their own investigations, poking around, looking for evidence, checking our OWN facts and Not relying on what their corporate owned media and Deep State FBI, Department of Justice are telling us?

You decide.

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They Hate that so many people see through their programming, lies and twisted truths.

Will we Ever get to see the footage from the Walmart security cams? This question has been posed by thinking, logical people, so I attend to it here,

Do you suppose we will Ever see the real footage from those Walmart security cams? A clip showing people there speaking of more than one shooter in El Paso Walmart.


Here is an excellent fairly short video that connects and covers eye witness accounts,


And this one where,


What might they Need to Distract from?

After the FBI put their warning out of those trying to tell people the truth about them, this came out just this month, August 2019

FBI memo warns QAnon poses potential terror threat: report


Now WHY is that? If QAnon, if all anons, if Patriots, We the People, those engaged in doing their own studying, gathering evidence, doing our Own checking of facts are actually false, then why not just let it run it's course because the Truth always rises to the top.

What are they afraid of? Is it being Exposed? Is it the fact that their deeds done in Darkness are now being revealed in the LIGHT? The true light, not their false light the luciferians boast about.

As far as Bill Cooper, here is what they don't like.

Revelation 6:8
“And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.”

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Now back to the El Paso shooters father, remember, not only was he involved in Psychotherapy, but was connected to John of God and spent many years knowing about treatments with Psych meds.

This is what Bill Cooper was trying to warn people about, but those he was trying to expose labeled him as a "conspiracy theorist." You can bet when they through that phrase around, they have Something to hide!

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What kind of crazy mind control talk is this? You mean he was Literally talking about brain implants and mind control? YES, yes he was and we all know this wasn't the first time or just "theory" as who did our government bring over after WW2? Hitler's top scientists who were the Best at torture, mind control techniques and propaganda. He had a minister of Propaganda and That was his title. . .Joseph Goebbels.

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Now this was Not the only creepy guy in Hitler's entourage, there was also Joseph Mengele. I realize many are familiar, if you're not, this is who he was,

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Maybe you're one who says, "so what, that was way back in history, we don't have to worry about that now."

Why would they train these people then bring many of them and those they trained over to the United States under Project Paperclip if they weren't going to utilize them. Was it just to tell stories? Why were they integral in building up Hollywood?

See more info here,


Look at where he ended up while eluded authorities and having the ability to live out his life.

Mengele sailed to Argentina in July 1949, assisted by a network of former SS members. He initially lived in and around Buenos Aires, then fled to Paraguay in 1959 and Brazil in 1960.

He was also known as the Angel of Death.

Okay, fine, so What do they want? They want to take guns away from those who choose to protect themselves, as it has been proven No Matter How Many gun laws there are, No matter How Much Gun control being shouted, Who Still has access to guns?

Why is that? Why in spite of ALL the restrictions are criminals Still able to access weapons? What about knives, are those going to be called to be taken away from Everyone too because of the criminal element?

How about vehicles? Do you know how many are killed in or by a vehicle?

So why do they want to disarm the citizenry? Isn't it odd that those in a position of Control, who we can't even Trust to tell us the truth and the criminals Still have guns but Good people Cannot defend themselves.

Are you going to count on the police to get to your house and protect you if you of these criminals breaks in? What are their response times. By the time they arrive, you or your loved ones could be killed.

How does it make sense to take guns away from would be protectors, yet the criminals Always find a way to find a weapon. THINK! You know why. They lay it all out in Agenda 21/30

Stated Well! We should really pay attention!

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Many criminal shooters Have been stopped by a citizen shooter aiming to protect themselves, family and others. So why are they not reported? Why does MSM hide truth?

Does it fit their narrative they want people to believe? NO! They want to take the protection out of the hands of the citizens and be the ONLY ones with weapons and a means to control Everyone. How is that good?

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This El Paso shooter's father states, he had a group of "healers" that came through from John of God in Brazil and they wanted to rent his space, which he did.

He helped them unload their van filled with large containers which held crystal bowls. Which apparently he incorporated into his "therapy."

So this John of God many of us have reported on who had ties to Oprah, Hollywood, NEXIVM, Baby farming, Pedogate, Marina Abramovich,

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Remember how Epstein hoped to seed the human race with his DNA according to the New York Times?

See more here if not familiar already,


So the El Paso shooter's father has a connection to John of God and looks very similar to the #GarlicShooter.

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The gunman who police say opened fire at a California festival, killing three and injuring 12 others, was identified by police Monday as 19-year-old Santino William Legan. Witnesses say the gunman had a "high-powered rifle" and was shooting randomly into the crowd at the annual Garlic Festival in Gilroy Sunday evening. Some witnesses said he suddenly appeared from behind a stage before opening fire. He was quickly shot and killed by Gilroy police.

Very Interesting!

"Despite the fact that they were outgunned with their handguns against the rifle, those three officers were able to fatally wound the suspect," Smithee said.

Sort of reminds me of the phrase. . ."they parents from the Parkland Shooting 'just Happened to be here today in El Paso!" As if they Knew people would think, What a Coincidence, so set out to allay their fears. Are people Really falling for this? Because there are NO Coincidences!

Here is an interesting Tie In to something I saw about the El Paso shooter,

Legan posted two photos on Instagram not long before the attack.

One photo depicted Smokey the Bear in front of a "fire danger" sign, with a caption that said to read the 19th century book "Might is Right," a work that claims race determines behavior and is popular among white nationalists and far-right extremist groups.

Notice how this man who Looks like the El Paso shooter was called ** a Teddy Bear** and "Baby" by his mama. Just interesting is all.

Note towards bottom where it speaks of him being a Teddy Bear and known as "Baby" by his mama
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Notice how the report here by the local news speaks of a "Multiple Shooter" situation.


Here is evidence of a Parental Educational Seminar he is on the advisory board for. Should we trust these concepts from people who endorsed Brazil's John of God? Know as a Pedophile?

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So the El Paso shooter's dad knew all about molding children's minds and his son is the shooter?

Another excerpt from Behold a Pale Horse by Milton William (Bill) Cooper,

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WHY would they do this? To create a feeling of insecurity and gun grab. Lead the American people to disarm themselves by passing laws on gun control. Yet, they Don't report on all the guns in Chicago because they Want to perpetuate gun violence, it reduces the population as the globalists want and it will encourage people to fall for the ploy of disarming Good Citizens as they continue to arm criminals and keep guns in the hands of the controlers.

Evidence in this clip of them doing this in Chicago.

Hear this clip at about 10:47, to about 17:57 so just a short section where a few people who live there know and remember even from the 90's.

Hear this man talk about how he wonders now, Where did the guns come free and he sees it IS a Diabolical plot because the guns are still being dropped off there. *Placed in strategic communities according to this eye witness. He talks about how older people are at work or asleep, so it's the hustlers, who run across them and Who Would go tell the police.

He continues, People wonder why there's so much violence he says, think about it. Since the police are locking people up where are they coming from? He said people are Not going out and buying them from gun stores, he said think about it, they are being dropped off. He says many of these guns are Not common that are Fully automatic. He said he was naive and thought that was how All guns were because they were given exotic guns. He is clearing himself up and goes to gun stores, but when he asks for guns they think he made the gun up because the gun stores don't acquire them, they have to be obtained through other means. Yet they want to take the guns of Protectors? Guardians of Children? Listen to about

Check out the El Paso shooter's father's former place of employment,

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Interesting, so Dr. Ross who worked there had given a speech back in 2007 about CIA mind control experiments.

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If you're not familiar with All the covert activities the CIA has funded and attempts to keep under wraps go here,


So Trauma based experiments just as Hitler's top scientists, brought over here from Germany were Known to be involved in.

Seems odd, but check this out,

Baltimore’s Leakin Park: the dumping ground for murdered bodies

SIXTY-eight bodies, many of them mutilated, have been dumped here since the 1940s. Just what is it about Leakin Park that attracts murderers?

THEY were all under 10, and their mutilated bodies were found in an overgrown section of Baltimore’s Leakin Park in April, 1968.

Larry, 9, and Matt Jefferson, 5, Louis Hill, 10, and 10-year-old Lester Watson were murdered by janitor Reginald Vernon Oates, 18, who was found carrying a bag containing the genitalia of three of his young victims.

When police examined the bodies, they also found that one boy had been decapitated, his little hands cut off, and another had had his throat cut.

Oates was committed to a mental institution in 1968, where he has been since. He continues to petition the Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene for release.

The four little boys were the second group of bodies found in what has become known as a mass dumping ground of murdered victims in the US state of Maryland.

To the naked eye, Baltimore’s Leakin Park — which adjoins Gwynns Falls Park — is a 485-hectare expanse of greenery, shadowed by romantic woodland and a natural forest largely untouched by humans.

Families visit the park to ride steam engines and ponies, and participate in kids’ rides. A group of volunteers called Friends of Gwynns Falls/Leakin Park, Inc maintain the park and donate money towards keeping the park’s nurture centre open.

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This was from back in 2014

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Another Lincoln Park,

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1 CMBG relocated to CFB Edmonton’s Grieshbach Barracks.

In August 1998, members of the Tsuu T’ina First Nation moved into the vacant PMQs due to the shortage of homes on the reservation. The PMQs area was given the name Black Bear Crossing. All other military buildings were eventually demolished, leaving only the abandoned roadways.

By 2006, a controversy ensued when the band council ordered the homes vacated due to a Health Canada warning of possible asbestos contamination. Most of the residents were relocated, but some residents stayed until they were formally evicted. By 2009, the last of the PMQs were demolished and the last remnants of Harvey Barracks vanished.

The Grey Eagle Casino now occupies the north east corner of the former Harvey Barracks.

Edmonton Garrison, originally CFB Edmonton, was created by the amalgamation of RCAF Station Namao and Canadian Army’s Griesbach Barracks. The Namao site, now called CFB Edmonton (Steele Barracks), remains open today as the home of the Western Canada’s Army.

As a result of the Unification, RCAF Station Namao was combined with the Army’s Griesbach Barracks to form CFB Edmonton on 1 April 1966, falling under control of Air Transport Command.

Today, a number of buildings on this once sprawling base have been demolished, but a total of 17 buildings and some PMQs are being retained and incorporated into the new Village at Griesbach community, including the former high school, some of the north-side PMQs, now private rental homes and the old church, which is now a community centre.

The Alberta Government chose RCAF Station Penhold for the site of their bunker, staffed by 743 Communication Squadron and also housing the Provincial Warning Centre. A 77,000 square foot bunker was secretly constructed at the station and opened in 1964.

All Government bunkers had a remote communications bunker, located some distance away. This second bunker, usually a single story structure, was staffed exclusively by communications personnel. Penhold’s remote communications bunker (17,000 square feet) was constructed several miles south of the station.

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How about This Lincoln Park,

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Canada's Experimental Torture-Killing of Children

So with all of those out there seeking to prey upon people, the answer is take the Guns out of the Protectors' hands? Does this make sense to you?

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The El Paso shooter's father does not appear to have been a Trump supporter when you look at his twitter feed, at least until the Scrub it.

For example, he is following Oprah Winfrey and Deepack Chopra, go here to see who is connected to Deepack Chopra,


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The El Paso Shooter's father also followed this person,

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Does God want people to apologize for their skin color and how He Created them out of His own image? Does this sound right to you?

Hear where the White People in the room are asked to do this, then ask What is Wrong with this picture?

Textbook programming of laying blame and repeating phrases in a cadence.

So the Democratic party perpetuated this, Now they are making those whose ancestors likely tried to Stop their KKK organization, to take the blame for what They did. This is a Key rule of Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals, whatever you are doing, blame the Other side!

A Great Patriot on facebook shared this out,


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Brazil's John of God, whom Oprah and other Hollywood celebrities endorsed was arrested on December 17, 2018

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See a short clip on how they purposely used All of us to pit us against one another,

They don't care how they get their contrived violence and they will use all, including Children to get it!

They use both violence and a front of socialism. . .feigning human rights and socialism while they actual Trample all over the rights of citizens.

Thank you to all who stay committed to being awake, alert and vigilant!

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See this entire video here where this reporter does an excellent job connecting the truth of it all.

El Paso Shooter's Father Was a Therapist Tied to John of God

Thank you for your diligence in studying and looking at Truth Fine Patriots and #GuardiansOfChildren. May God watch over each of you and your families and be with these children still being prayed upon. Please let me know your thoughts and what you have witnessed out there. Godspeed! WWG1WGA


William Cooper lecture 'Behold a pale horse' (full)

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Look at what happens to Grassroots movie makers who attempt to tell the truth or step Out of their Hollywood scope of Control!

This was stopped mid production after it's producer was Murdered. Why didn't they want us to see it?

What secret did this producer know and leave inside the trailer of his movie they did not want you to see?

How did this producer use the cabal's game against them? Predictive Programming.

Compensation for CIA-funded brainwashing experiments paid out to victim's daughter 60 years late

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