Despite being a relative fan of Elon, I always found other Elon fans to be more annoying than his haters.


That is.. until the last few months.

I'm seeing some anti-Elon peeps post smack about him daily. I don't see how anyone could let some dude they don't even know irl or like live rent free in their heads like neurolink. Seems like obsessing over some guy is a huge waste of time and pretty unhealthy.

Like... At least the people who obsess about attacking Biden, Trump, or whoever the President happens to be are focused on someone who could sign a law or executive order that can actually affect their lives. With Elon, if he's an insecure billionaire who's sometimes a hypocrite, who wasted a lot of money to be a cringey edgelord? Ok? I mean... be on Twitter or not, buy one of his cars or buy a different one. Shrug.

If you get a really good jab against him to trend on Twitter, maybe he'll see it and it'll make him sad or something. Maybe you'll... what... help shift public opinion about a person who isn't a policy or even a politician? Just seems like there might be better uses of your time.

I mean... It's hard for me to understand how somebody couldn't at least appreciate some of what he's done.

Like... Though he didn't do things on his own and some of it was just what he dedicated capital and management towards...

I think it's pretty obvious that PayPal was a good thing that fulfilled a need, especially in the development of e-commerce. Tesla made the electric car commercially viable, and I never want to own another car. SpaceX has made reusable rockets, vastly improved space tech, and it's doing things cheaper than NASA ever could. Sans Elon, I don't think Tesla and SpaceX would have been able to accomplish what they did, and it's no small things they've done.

That said, the entire concept of neurolink terrifies me. Buying Twitter was a huge waste of money. I don't think the boring company is gonna build super efficient tunnels under all the cities.

In my experience, he didn't underdeliver as much as exceed expectations.

Like... He's always been ambitious when setting his own goals, for sure.

But if I compare any reasonable person's expectations to his dreams of what he could accomplish, he's blown past the reasonable person's expectations by a wide margin.

He keeps getting into ventures where I'm like... "95% likely to fail under the metrics most people would use" and then killing it 50% of the time.

It just all seems like tilting at windmills, you know?

You talk smack effectively about a politician, maybe less people vote for them and they don't get as much power. You talk smack effectively against a bad idea, maybe you convince enough people to think differently.

You spend all your time talking smack about some rich dude on the internet, then... What? This is that Cards Against Humanity card...

Step 1: Obsess over Elon
Step 2: _____
Step 3: Profit?

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