Elon Musk & His Connection with Transhumanism


Elon Musk is very hyped these days. The millennial kids love him, the crypto crowd loves him [bitcoin, hello!], the environmentalists love him because of Tesla electric cars, the nerds love him, many entrepreneurs see him as a “role model”, etc. He has a bit a soft rebel image he likes to project via smoking pot [pretending since he didn’t inhale] on Joe Rogan’s podcast and his “controversial” tweet one liners here and there. Many people project a visionary-technocrat-savior image on to him along with his futuristic vision wanting to colonize Mars with his SpaceX programm along with his "Sky Net" style project of creating a satellite grid.

And yet, something seems very off about him, to me anyway, energetically as well since he already seems to behave like a "cyborg", someone who does not believe in spirit, a soul, let alone the Divine, but has a very materialistic view of the world and humanity. In a way he shows many signs of being an "Organic Portal" [not being able to perceive a spiritual reality].

Especially when you look at his other company Neurolink which he announced a few years ago with his statement “If you can’t beat the machines, it’s better to become one", followed up by "“The company is centered on creating devices that can be implanted in the human brain, with the eventual purpose of helping human beings merge with software and keep pace with advancements in artificial intelligence.”

Take a look at this Article from Bernhard Guenther "Dangers of Transhumanism**, stating:

"The A.I. Transhumanist agenda keeps rolling with geek-visionary-technocrat-savior Elon Musk helping along by playing the “good cop”, telling us that, as A.I. (Artificial Intelligence) increases, it will eventually replace humans, unless we create a direct digital interface with our own brains in order to keep up, stating that “If you can’t beat the machines, it’s better to become one”. With all the savior-projections, hype and wishful thinking on Musk, without any awareness of how the Matrix Control System really works, the masses are being prepped and will gladly accept his “solutions” eventually. Takes the Hegelian dialect of Problem-Reaction-Solution to a whole new level.

What is important to keep in mind that everything Musk is talking about already exists and is set in place, waiting to to be “announced”, even way more advanced “nano gadgets” created in deep black government projects over decades the public has zero awareness of. Musk doesn’t necessarily have any awareness of that either. He’s like a “useful idiot” helping the global A.I. Transhumanist agenda, playing the “good cop”."

I don't think it's black and white and Musks's role in the bigger picture will become more apparent in the long run. Fun times.

Here's the article:

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