How to calculate the inductance on a ferrite ring

Greetings to readers of my blog! Today I will tell you how to make inductance with the necessary parameters. In my case it was a toroidal coil that should work in my power supply. First I found a copper wire, which I removed from the old transformer.

The wire has a diameter of 0.66 mm. This I measured with a digital caliper.

Further, to get the inductance, it must be done on the ferrite ring. I found this from some disassembled device. Then I measured the ferrite ring, I needed an outer diameter, inner diameter and height.

To calculate the usable inductance, I used an excellent online calculator. I entered the measured parameters to get 20 microhenry (μH).

Thus, the length of the wire was 58 cm, and the number of turns 17. I neatly wrapped the wire on the ring.

It seems to be not bad, do you think? To measure the resulting inductance, I used some tester.

As you can see, I got 0.02mH * 1000 = 20μH. This magic works :)

Note that in this calculator there are other calculations, for other inductances on ferrite rods or air coils.

Thank you for your attention, I hope my information be useful.

With the best wishes, @gleb-jeglov aka Evgeny.

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