Electroneum mobile miner set to go live on Monday!!


This was posted today on ETN's telegram


We’ve had an unbelievable week at >Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, >meeting some of the top influencers in >the global mobile market. We’ve >spoken to dozens of network operators >and are extremely confident we will >take our user reach to over 200m with >these new deals and probably a lot >more. It’s been fantastic to see how >excited executives from mobile >operators can get about the >Electroneum opportunity for their >users.

With that in mind, we’re very pleased >to announce that our mobile miner will >be going live on Monday 5th of March.

In order to make sure our mobile >miners have the best user experience >possible and to ensure we can get the >launch featured in some industry >press, we’ve decided to wait until our >whole team is back from Barcelona >before we go live. We know many of >you were expecting it to go live this >week but we believe waiting until >Monday is the best way to ensure the >mobile miner has the biggest impact.

In case you didn’t know what the >mobile miner is for, Rich gave a very >quick explanation in this video >interview here.

Right now, cryptocurrency is largely >too difficult to obtain and spend for >most people, especially in the >developing world. Our core aim is to >achieve global mass adoption of >cryptocurrency, and the mobile miner >is our way of introducing Electroneum >to billions of smartphone owners >around the world.

The mobile miner will allow anyone >with a smartphone to earn a few US$ >worth of cryptocurrency every month >by mining Electroneum. It uses very >little electricity and just a tiny amount >of data, and importantly it requires no >technical knowledge. A few dollars per >month may not seem like much – but a >billion people across the world live on >US$2 or less per day. 71% of the >world’s population live on US$10 or >less.

Smartphone ownership in developing >countries is climbing at an >extraordinary rate. It rose from 21% to >37% from 2013 to 2015*, and >countries with some of the lowest >GDPs still had a 25-30% smartphone >adoption rate in 2017.For many >people it is their best way to access the >internet and communicate with loved >ones and colleagues.

We’ll not only be giving all these >people cryptocurrency – we’re working >on ways for them to spend it. We have >already partnered with global mobile >operators and payments companies to >allow users to pay for their airtime, >data and VAS (value added services) >using Electroneum. Through these >partnerships we’ve already got access >to 130m customers and over 1m >vendors and and at least 100m more >on our way thanks to the deals at >Mobile World Congress.

What this is all about is making >cryptocurrency truly accessible and >useful to people, no matter their >means or income. The launch of the >mobile miner is so exciting because we >see it as a huge leap forward towards >this goal.

We will be counting down to launch >across all our social channels and >spreading the word far and wide. >Watch this space!

*Source – World Bank and Pew Research

Source – Pew Research

*** Source – GSMA

The big news will be when they get the iphone app up and running. I think that will increase the price like crazy!


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