An Update on the Progress of Electronero

Those of you which are regular visitors of Something Decent will already be aware of the impending unofficial Electroneum fork which will result in a new cryptocurrency, Electronero, being created and freely distributed. In case you aren't a regular, you can find all the original announcement on the Electronero airdrop alert posted by myself.

The gist of the article is basically that a group of developers which are unhappy with the technological progress made by the Electroneum team have decided to fork the code as of block 307,000 (originally 280,000) and create a new cryptocurrency called Electronero (ETNX).

Well, since the original announcement of the planned Electronero fork there has been a rollercoaster of a response for the project with, as with anything in the crypto space, people calling it a scam and then people calling the original Electroneum a scam. But, as mentioned, this cannot be taken too seriously as I am yet to find a project which hasn't been called a scam at some point in its lifetime.

Other than the usual handbag throwing from the cryptocurrency community it would appear that, on the face of it, the Electronero team have actually been hard at work in preparation for their airdrop.

Since their original announcement the team have been working on releasing a test net for developers to experiment on and have even gone as far as to release documentation about the daemon RPC calls which will be available for ETNX developers, as well as their wallet RPC calls which will also be available to developers.

View the ETNX daemon RPC calls
View the ETNX wallet RPC calls

While the calls used by the ETNX coin will be also applicable, for the most part, to the Monero coin it does show that the development team haven't simply sat around and waited for the paint to dry on their metaphorical ETN fork.

With all their development being publicly visible it is still understandable that the general public are a little skeptical of the method in which they will be required to claim their ETNX (using their ETN private key) however, there is a simple workaround which I personally recommend everyone uses as a matter of security - this does not mean I suspect the ETNX team to be dodgy, just that I believe it is better to be safe, than sorry.

The method which I am advising everyone to utilise is as follows: leave you ETN in your paper wallet until the snapshot has been taken and then remove it from there before importing your private key to the ETNX wallet. By doing this you will be safeguarding your ETN and making it unavailable to anyone who may attain your private key, while also enabling yourself to claim some free ETNX.

As the snapshot draws closer - it is now said to be taking place on May 11th 2018 (estimation of when block 307,000 will be met) - it is advisable that all who wish to part take in the airdrop move their ETN to a paper wallet or exchange, although getting your ETNX from an exchange may take a while 9the exchange will need to list ETNX before you can claim it).

Go to the Electronero website

Please remember that this article is not to be taken as any form of investment advice and that you should do your own research before investing your hard earned cash into anything. We would also like to remind you that Something Decent is not in anyway responsible for the distribution of airdrops, bounties or giveaways unless it is stated that we are personally conducting them

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