The war between democrat progressives and established DNC


The war between democrat progressives and established DNC


Not sure if everyone voting in the democrat race knows how super delegates are being used this time in 2020. To avoid super delegate involvement one of the candidates has to get 51% of the votes in primaries. Here is my break down as I see it...

Bernie has been polling around 40% on average across the polls so far.
There are at least 3 for sure who are as progressive as Bernie for the most part.
Warren who polls around 10%ish
Tulsi who is polling around 2%
Yang also around 2%

Now, here is my theory. You see, these 3 candidates are going to keep going HARD and get through the debates aiding in progressive views.

Warren brings to the table a way to pull votes away from Harris who is a nasty barely even an established democrat. They threw Harris in early to get the womens vote. What many women now know is Harris is corporate funded and has a shady record not in line with democrat views. Warren fixes that.

Tulsi also takes some female voters but also brings forward a refreshing progressive view on military and international topics. At first I thought all the meetings between her, Bernie and Jane were pointing to his VP pick. Now I realize after Bernie came forward in an interview that he mentioned his one weakness in 2016 was that very area. So...I think he was meeting with Tulsi for advice.

Yang. Yang is bringing a not extremely popular topic for basic voters of universal basic income. That pretty much says it all as far as his progressive potential. UBI is like the elephant in the room that he is willing to at least bring to the debate table.

So....the establishment seems to have lost with trying to use both Harris and O'Rourke to win primaries. So they now threw out the next card.... BIDEN. The establishment (DNC) is working feverishly hard at not letting Bernie win the 51%!!
BOTH progressives and established side know that if they pool their candidates, it possibly goes to super delegate intervention.

The DNC is hoping to just keep Bernie from getting that 51% so they can take the primary like they did with Hillary. The progressives are trying to stop that.

My theory is at least the 3 progressives mentioned above will keep going till right before primary, then drop and ask their supporters to vote Bernie! These 3 KNOW they are not going to win. Its very obvious. So why are they running? To make sure OUR candidate Bernie Sanders gets his 51% or more!

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