as of May 05, 2022 8:00am 98% 31M voted for BBM-SARA
I assumed and statistically speaking they already won the race for President and Vice President position in the Philippine Government.

After a Long Campaign, Rally, propaganda the fiasco is finally over.
On May 09, 2022 legal Citizen of the Democratic Country; The Republic of the Philippines practice their Right of Suffrage to decide who will be their next Leader to lead us for 6 years.

In this election we observe a lot of changes in strategies in campaign; Social Media play a Vital role in promoting platform and even propaganda.
Social Media Influencer and even ordinary people can easily reach out to every prospect voters.
I personally seen the right of speech was prominent in defending or defaming candidates in this platform.

Before I proceed, I, Myself is not for BBM (Ferdinand Marcos "Bong Bong" Marcos Jr.) neither a LENI Robredo supporter.
For me Ernie Abella was the best candidate for the position. For Vice President well I am for Sara Duterte.

Let us first dissect political candidates qualities who run in the Philippines and what would be the best qualities for them to win the election.

this is just my own opinion, aside from the minimum requirement stated in the constitution. this are the qualities needed to be able to capture the heart of the Filipino voters.

well definitely election, campaign and rally and other material are very expensive specially in national scale. since we are also an archipelago it is also very expensive to attend rallies all over the Philippines.
definitely when you decide to join the race you will need a lot of this.

Educational Attainment
In the constitution when you are a legal age as long as you can Read and Write will you have the right to apply your candidacy.
But with a prestige educational background could just a little plus factor and would be palatable to everyone but not so in the Philippine political Scene.

Track Record
Mostly this well be the basis of how you perform and underperform would favor the electorate to be voted by their constituents.
this show how good are you in public service.
If you are a newly face who joined the Political Race it would be also good if people would decide to try new leader.

I would love to hear their platform of governance and in which direction our country would go.
But sadly this is not so highlighted in the our country.
a Basic templates of platform will do fine.

and lastly the most important is Charisma.
Scratch everything that I said before.
In the Political Scene here in the Philippines Charisma Dictates the Race in the Election.
That is one of the reason mostly Artist, Athletes, Celebrities, Prominent Personalities in their field that had more media exposure and loved by the people mostly garnered the position in our government.

As the social media arises this is heightened a thousand folds.

This are for me; some of the reasons why BBM- SARA tandem could positively landslide this election with one of the highest record of 31 Million votes each of them. although it is not final but statistically this is already out of reach to catch up.

again I am not for BBM, although my candidate will need a lot of luck and impossible to win; still I voted for him because it is what I believe that is one of the best candidate among them; although he don't have the charisma.

now that more or less 70 million Filipino voters cast their vote and 31 million favor BBM-SARA.
why are other supporter could not accept this.
as I woke up this morning and seen the messages of other candidate.
Some accept and concede with a graceful exit.
while others stating a very vague messages to their supporter that the battle is not end.

For the possible winner and some already won their position since national is not 100% yet while local already declared winners.
what is the next chapter.

This may be far fetch that any of the candidates will read this article but to some of my reader. here is my what I would like to see;

first is on health care system

hospitalization in our country is very expensive.
despite of the Philhealth insurance in reality the hospital double charge its patient. Philhealth covers for a certain diseases with a coverage depending on the cases of the patient but still had excess even on primary secondary or tertiary.
A massive haul should be done.
we never seen a patient with just a simple fever after 3 days of admission had no bill after instead seen their bills with excess.

Health Workers such as nurses are neglect specially in private sectors both working environment, salaries and even benefits are being exploited.
and we are not producing more nurses compare to the previous decades.

Food Stability
We always say that our country is very blessed with resources but the government neglect or failed to cultivate it to become a major industry and provide us Food stability even export as a source of income for our country.
Our country had a best research facility but failed to provide a quality rice seedlings that are resilient and better yielding.

Hope our government will support and promote local production of goods to cultivate our economy.

We had a lot of brilliant researcher here in our country, I think we need to upgrade the educational system of the country and give more priority and specially teaching our student about patriotism, Respect for the elders and one self, culture is a must to promote for our own Identity as a Nation.

Foreign Policy
As We can see on the previous administration being neutral would be beneficial and could direct all our resources for our own cultivation of our nation to promote the standard of the constituents.

It is a very huge problem we are facing and a lot to cover
but let us end it here.

as the election nearing its end and we had a newly elected leaders by the majority.
I just hope that we would truly unite under 1 banner so we can move on.
Government Leaders will be facing a lot of problem specially how devastated the pandemics and natural disaster such as typhoon that our country always face.

We as a Proud Filipino; it is in our own hand how can we fulfill our dreams and aspiration the Government will just ensure about our right and how to divide the resources.

I am not saying that this will be a better or worst government, and had no corruption.
But we all do wish and aspire to have a better environment, better country, a better nation for the next generation.

I had a different candidate for president but respect the 31 Million Filipino
Respect the majority, respect the constitution and respect our democracy.
Congratulations to newly elected government officials may you have the courage and resilient to overcome our countries problem.
And congratulation!

although I am a pessimistic; I am very optimistic about the future of our country.

This was quite long......
I know, I just touch a little but feel free to comment or add anything that you think I miss or would like to discuss.

Have a brighter future ahead of us guys.

Peace Out;


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