JellyVine, New Blogger in Town.


Hello there.
It's me JellyVine. It's not how it is spelled but my real name is pronounced like that.

I'm here with help of Nanay @olivia08 and also, she did check up on me and grateful for that soft push.

I'm 29 this July and like the usual/typical eldest daughter, I'm unmarried. It's not that I'm forced to give up on love to help family but I just want to (as I could always get something in return, loyalty.haha)

Kidding aside, I have a fair share of heartaches and disappointments in a romantic relationship. Tell me I'm too picky but I do believe one should not settle for less and only just because of loneliness.


I used to teach in private preschool to aid my brother getting his degree (and he's working on duty now, a policeman) and when my sister took her degree, I shifted to business activity.


Right now, I'm still working for a friend, a sister-in-Christ too in her Agri-Poultry supply feeds store.I earn my wage weekly and since my sister is graduating next month, I've started last year with my personal soon-to-be passive source of income, piggery and hopefully soon, poultry.



I want a sustainable farm animals living on edible leaves and minimal feeds for organic consumption of meat. Yay! Achievable, yeah?


Just 11 days ago, I started working on in our small patch of land, planting pineapple and tending to chickens. I do pray I'll have some more animals and an investment from my sister, of course, as I will keep trying to grow/maximize the farm.

The farm, I think would be the center of my blogging if not my inner thoughts and honest convictions.

All photos are mine.☺️

Hope you'll find it in your heart to follow me and shower me of your unmerited favor.

Thank you in advance folks.

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