30 amazing real information you probably don't know about the Eiffel Tower

1 ✓ The construction of the Eiffel Tower began on 26 January 1887 and took 2 years, 2 months and 5 days to complete.


2 ✓ In the construction of the 300-meter tower, 7.300 tons of steel and 18.038 tons of metal parts were used.


3 ✓ Eiffel Tower every 7 years; It is re-painted using 60 tons of paint.


4 ✓ The name of the Eiffel Tower was taken from the designer Gustave Eiffel.


5 ✓ The Statue of Liberty; Designed by Gustave Eiffel.


6 ✓ The construction of the tower cost 8 million francs, and most of the money was paid by Gustave Eiffel and the French government.

Important note: 8 million francs at that time; now it's $34 million.

7 ✓ Many artists and architects; On the grounds that the architecture of the Tower is terrible; protests and launched signature campaigns.


8 ✓ Probably the most amazing information about this tower; During the construction of the tower, the tower was planned to be removed after 20 years.


9 ✓ The fact that the Tower stayed in Paris was important for the first radiophonic experiments and played an important role in the development of French television with its antenna system.


10 ✓ 10. A newspaper in 1889; In order to give certificates to employees in construction; He used a printing press at the Eiffel Tower.


11 ✓ In 1905; The French sports newspaper L'Equipe; organized a competition and became the champion who reached the first floor of the Tower in 3 minutes and 12 seconds by bicycle.


12 ✓ Pilot Léon Collot; When he tried to fly under the Eiffel Tower, he lost his sight in the sunlight, hit the antennas and died. 🙁


13 ✓ In the first Marne Battle of World War I, in 1914, the Eiffel Tower, which was an excellent means of communication for the French army by blocking the German advance and radio waves, won France a great victory.


14 ✓ In honor of its 75th year; Climbers climbed on the tower.


15 ✓ Eiffel Tower in winter under the influence of cold weather; shrinks to almost 3 cm.


16 ✓ Tower; can be tilted up to 18 cm in very hot or windy weather.


17 ✓ Between 1925-1934, the French car manufacturer Citroen; Using the Eiffel Tower, he achieved the advertising record of the largest billboard in the world.


18 ✓ Gustave Eiffel had his own apartment on the third floor of the Tower.


19 ✓ To climb to the top of the Eiffel Tower, you have to climb 1,665 steps. Fortunately now the elevator is in use. 🙂


20 ✓ Victor Lustig marketed and sold the Eiffel Tower to two different scrap sellers as a pile of metal before he was arrested for fraud. 😂


21 ✓ In 1984, two UK citizens jumped from the Eiffel Tower with parachutes and without permission.


22 ✓ Renowned tightrope walker Philippe Petit; In honor of its 100th anniversary, he walked on a 700-meter-long rope from Chaillot Palace to the Eiffel Tower.


23 ✓ In 2002; Hugues Richard climbed the Eiffel Tower on a mountain bike and set his own 1998 record.


24 ✓ Although the vast majority of visitors are French, the Eiffel Tower is an indispensable address for tourists.


25 ✓ Every year 7 million people visit the Eiffel Tower.


26 ✓ in 2010; Eiffel Tower celebrated the reception of 250 million visitors.


27 ✓ The Eiffel Tower is illuminated at night with 20,000 different bulbs.


28 ✓ The annual electricity use of the Eiffel Tower is equal to a small village.


29 ✓ The Eiffel Tower used electrical cables with a total length of approximately 80 km.


30 ✓ If you want to have a nice dinner at the Eiffel Tower, the world famous restaurant; You must stop by Jules Verne.

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31 Bonus ✓ In France in 2009, '' Turkey Season 'event at the Eiffel Tower was lit for 5 nights along with the colors of the Turkish flag. 🇹🇷

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>For Visitors <

How much is the Eiffel Tower entrance fee? Visiting Hours When?

The entrance fee to the Eiffel varies according to the number of floors. The fees were as follows when we prepared this article. 👇

¶ 1st and 2nd Floor Elevator Ticket

Adults: 16 euro

12-24 years: 8 euro

4-11 years and disabled: 4 euro

0-4 years: free

¶ Full Entrance Ticket with Lift

Adults: 25 euro

12-24 years: 12.5 euro

4-11 years and disabled: 6.3 euro

0-4 years: free

¶ 1st and 2nd Floor Entrance Ticket with Ladder

Adults: 10 euro

12-24 years: 5 euro

4-11 years and disabled: 2.5 euro

0-4 years: free

¶ Full Entry Ticket with Ladder

Adults: 19 euro

12-24 years: 9.5 euro

4-11 years and disabled: 4.8 euro

0-4 years: free

You can find up-to-date information on entrance fees on the official Ticket Prices and Opening Times page of the Eiffel Tower. ( Link: https://www.toureiffel.paris/en/rates-opening-times )

Visiting the Eiffel Tower is available from 9:30 to 23:45. You can go to the top floor until 22:30. In the summer, the closing hours are extended to 0:45 (23:00 for the top floor), but the check-in time is reduced to 09:30. They will take the stairs and visit the tower from 09:00 to 18:30 (18:00 for the top floor). In the summer, the entrance times are between 09:30 and 0:45.

Thank you for reading. 🙋

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