Humor, The Ego, and How to Help Yourself | Sunday Sermon

This is pretty interesting.

I had a reading done by a fellow in town. He said that when people are on a spiritual path and raising their consciousness, they run into certain traps; money, power, sex, etc.

He looked at me and said, “You don’t have those. For you, it’s your ego. Watch your ego.”

I’ve been working on my ego for the past couple years by walking around asking people “Do I have a big ego? How do I seem to you?”

Most people say “No...?” and haven't been willing to have a conversation about it.

Lucky for me, I recently made a new friend who was not only willing, but excited to sit with me and discuss.

Bill's the kind of guy you just gravitate towards.

With his genuine heart, infectious laugh, and true appreciation of the self improvement journey, you'll want to be his friend too.

Join us in this week's Sunday Sermon below, where he gives his first impressions on my ego and we discuss how getting rid of that ego is the first step to handling your shit!  

 Bill: Sasha takes huge chances with people. He can get rejected at any moment for the crazy shit he does, but an ego doesn’t do that.

An ego is careful and makes sure you’re acting acceptable.So I don’t see his big ego. But it looks like a big ego because he’s very outgoing and a powerful human. Powerful people are quite often seen as ego by people who don’t understand what they’re looking at.

Sasha: Ha! So fuck you world!

But honestly, it’s one of the main things I saw in these guys who would come to learn to get better with girls. 

That they were just so serious and stuck in their head.I tell them, “Dude, you gotta lighten the fuck up!”

B: I think that’s one of the most attractive things, humor.Well it must be. That’s the only possible way YOU could get a girlfriend.
That was vicious! I’m sorry.

S: Nah, that’s OK, I like it.

B: But I’ve seen it though, if you can make them laugh, you can win their heart.

S: It’s super critical. For some guys, that's what they really need to work on.

I made a video called “I’m fucked up” to show that I still have issues and need to work on stuff. We all do.  I think that’s the most important to acknowledge.

That’s happened recently to me where I've even lost friends because they weren’t willing to look at their shit.

They may betray me or do something stupid, but the won’t look in the mirror and say “Yeah, I’ve got these patterns I need to recognize and work on.” They refuse.

So if you’re working on yourself, you’re dropping those negative patterns while your frequency, your happiness, goes up.

And when you’re in those higher places, you really don’t want to be around people who won’t look at their shit and won’t move up with you. You’re moving up too fast.

B: Their frequency can’t handle being with yours. And you’ll get new friends.

Sasha and I met earlier this year and immediately clicked because our frequency was so close.
Feels like we’ve been friends for years.

S: They’ve been saying it in self development circles for years: “You’re the sum of the 5 closest friends

I agree.

And It’s normal to change those friends as you improve yourself.

If you can’t bring them up to your frequency, they will try to bring you down to theirs. That’s why sometimes you have to change friends. That’s just the way it is.

It doesn’t mean that they’re bad people, there are good people I know who were close friends, but I’ll probably never talk to again.

They’re like me, but they weren’t willing to look at themselves and say “I’m fucked up.” and work on it. That’s the difference.

That’s the core difference, I believe, in the people who are going to go far in life and be happy and follow their joy and become successful.

Being able to look at your shit. 


Come handle you shit with us at the 2018 Infinite Man Summit in Lisbon, Portugal!  July 13-15

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