

took me a long time to graduate from a University . I knew though , that I'll do anything and put in as much work as needed to graduate . So when I finally graduated ; because that had been my goal for so long ; I felt lost , empty , and didn't know what to do next .

My self identity was a student for so many years that I clinched on to it and thought that me being a student wAs who I was . After graduation I was no longer a student . I no longer had a self identity . It made me depressed and lost sight of any other goal.

This happens to most of us and it has happened to all of us at some point in our life . We think certain roles make up our identity and we cling on to it so strongly that we think we are born a certain way and that it's almost impossible to change .

That is our ego . Our ego is self identity and it's doing more damage than the eye first meets .

If we self identify with a role in the universe like a being a student , mother , wife , even a specific gender . When that role disappears , which nothing lasts forever , we feel we've lost our identity and it causes depression .

What I'm working on is letting go of my ego completely and one day I hope I have no self identity that way my mind always believes I can be or do anything I choose . Instead of my mind thinking I was born a certain way or in a certain role and I can't change my circumstances because , "that's just who I am"

What do you guys think about this perspective ?

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