Evolve or Go Extinct! (Efed Story)

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Evolve Or Go Extinct...

Mexico City, Mexico
January 26, 2020

The temperature just a bit over 83 degrees as the wind rustles the hair of Evolution as it blows through it. The sun is bright as it shines down upon him, while he makes his way to his property on the outskirts of town. Still limping from his fight a few days prior but the pain doesn't bother him as he has evolved beyond the simple pain of the body. Even though he managed to escape the Russians that attacked him and Metamorphosis his body is healing but his mind has stopped and refuses to evolve past the events.

Evolution found an old Soviet bunker deep in the caves of Mexico within the cave where thousands of secret mission files on people, places, and weapons around the world. Files that could potentially take down the current leaders of the world if placed in the right or the wrong hands. He also found a few tons of solid gold bars and crates of US currency, money that could help rebuild the American economy.

The team of Time and Space don't really need the money, the secrets or even the weapons they have found but what they do want is paybacks on the cowards that attacked them without cause or warning. Evolution feels it may have been the enemies of McStrump that attacked him and his partner, the CEO of Hammer Industries and even the members of Rebels of Society that hired the Russians. Time and Space aren't completely sure who they were or who sent them but they are not forgetting about them and what they have done.

Evolution wipes the bit of sweat from his face, that's begun to run due to the heat and walking he's doing. Evolution has come up with several ways to get his revenge and still help the world evolve but still trying to figure out how to do it without causing a full-blown world war again. Metamorphosis expressed the idea of just taking the gold and currency and heading somewhere no one would look for it or them while selling the secret files to the highest bidder first.

Although it could possibly make them untouchable, Evolution refuses to damage the world any more than it already is. He continues to contemplate his next move but has made the decision to remove everything from the bunker to an unknown location. evolution even refused to let his long-time partner know where the stuff is located. Evolution did keep a couple of the files with him in his personal pack an extremely thick file still sealed marked "War Hammer" grabbed his attention as he had heard that name before so he made sure to bring that with him.

As he walks the dusty dirt road a couple of young boys can be seen running around near him as they attempt to get his attention as the yell, "UOW" letting Evolution know they are merely wrestling fans. He waves at them before heading on down the road.

Three hours later...

Evolution has made it to his home or at least the place he calls home, the ancient church of the Aztecs. The old writings and drawings can be seen all over the rock walls. Evolution stands behind what appears to be an old sacrificial altar, he wields in his hand an ancient carving tool, on the altar in front of him lays the files that he kept with him. Still sealed he looks around for a place to place the files until he needs them.

While searching for an unnoticeable place to place them Metamorphosis walks in holding a sack of vegetables and a skinned coyote ready for cooking. Evolution tells him to go place the stuff in the kitchen he would be there shortly. As Metamorphosis heads to the kitchen he quickly places the files in a hole near the roof away from eyesight, he takes the carving tool and carves the name McStrump in small letters underneath it before shoving a clay ball in the hole sealing it up.

The sun begins to set as the light shining through the open holes in the walls slowly fades away, Evolution heads into the kitchen where Metamorphosis can be seen gutting and cleaning the Coyote prepping it to be placed on the open fire pit for cooking. Both men stare at each other for a moment before speaking.

Evolution can't help but think about the current situation of UOW, McStrump administration, and the cowards of Rebels of Society and Hammer Industries. He stands there flashing back in his head the events that he has witnessed over his life... He quickly snaps out of it realizing the path he is on and the path that is needed to be taken by him and his partner Metamorphosis.

This will be a good meal as the coyote was able to evolve fully before I took its last breath from it. He gave its life so we may flourish so eat and eat well not to wast any of it.

I do not take life for granted, nor do I wast anything that is put in front of me. You see Metamorphosis, one such as ourselves must continue to fully appreciate what the world has offered us. As you fully understand where the world is and where the world is heading.

Metamorphosis continues to prep the Coyote as he listens to his partner.

Continue and explain this sudden enlightenment.

We were attacked just a short few days ago due to the information that befell upon us, this world is beyond repair unless we stop the De-evolution that is going on. America fell upon hard times, Mexico our homeland has begun to evolve and become greater than it ever was, and Mother Russia has become the gene pool that decides what the world will become.

We, need to evolve to our full metamorphosis...

Metamorphosis places the prepped Coyote on the firepit as he turns to reply to the last statement from his partner.

We can only evolve so far, the world will only evolve if it's willing too, and this world does not want to.

I am glad you understand that although take our tag team championships for example, right now they are merely the UOW tag team titles but if we want them to evolve and become more than that more than the XHF Global titles than we must help them evolve into their next stage.

We beat the former champions to become the tag team champions thus bringing them to the next stage, now we must defeat and retain them in our upcoming match against the unevolved cesspool named Lulu Biggs and her partner of choice Huckleberry. After we prove to them that we are on a level they could and will never be on we can focus on the next stage as well.

The favorable aroma coming from the tender meat of the Coyote slowly fills the room as it's skin cooks to a crispy snack.

I am more than ready for our next step, but we also need to help the world reach its next stage so I offer the option of going after the undeveloped, unintelligent amebas that attacked us. We rid the world of them and that will put the world a step closer to its next stage. Even if it means helping McStrump or whoever else may need it.

I want you to contemplate something a man named Charles Darwin said this...

“Thus, from the war of nature, from famine and death, the most exalted object which we are capable of conceiving, namely, the production of the higher animals, directly follows. There is grandeur in this view of life, with its several powers, having been originally breathed into a few forms or into one; and that, whilst this planet has gone cycling on according to the fixed law of gravity, from so simple a beginning endless forms most beautiful and most wonderful have been, and are being, evolved.”

You see this is what will decide our future, the tag team championships future, the future of our opponents and the future of UOW. Not fate, not destiny, not God but the evolution of Time and Space! We must evolve or go extinct!

Both men head over to the firepit grabbing a huge slice of meat from the fully cooked Coyote as they head towards the table where they can sit and eat.

We will beat Huckleberry and that Lulu Biggs as we send them back to the simple cells they are.

we all must understand and remember one simple thing... "You must either Evolve or go Extinct!!!"

Both men stop talking as they dig into their meal...

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