Sound Engineering and Music Production blog #22

Hey, Steemians! Let's discuss some more Waves plugins today. I'll discuss some plugins that I used for mixing. So, let's get straight to it.

  1. API 550:

    Waves have emulated the 500 series of the API EQs. As you can see, there are 2 EQs: 550A and 550B, both being semi-parametric. Mostly I use the 550B since it has 4 bands giving more control over the equalization process. As the picture shows, there are 2 parameters for each knob. The blue one lets you select the frequency and the white one is used to cut or boost the selected frequency. There are knobs on both plugins that let you choose between shelf or bell EQ for the LF and HF band. They have also provided a polarity switch that lets you reverse the polarity if needed. For polarity, I would suggest you keep the setting by which the presence of low end is felt. I'll leave the analog switch function for you guys to discover ;) give it a try it's interesting.

  2. Manny Marroquin Reverb:

    Specially designed by Waves in collaboration with the Grammy-winning mix engineer Manny Marroquin, this is a plugin I would strongly recommend you guys to use in your mixes. These are few words from Manny which I found out in the manual of this plugin: “For my Reverb plugin, we modelled the very best reverbs in my room, 18 of my favourites: Six different reverbs, with three different room sizes for each. We also included
    some EQ and compression, which I always use to shape the reverbs so they sit perfectly
    within the mix. Plus, we added what I like to call the ‘fun’ section, with phaser and
    distortion. For example, sometimes I’ll send something to a really big reverb, then add
    phase and distortion to get some really unique tails. With this plugin, it’s all right there in
    front of you.” Well, those words pretty much explain the plugin. The time knob determines the selected reverb RT60(the time it will take the reverb to decay by 60 dB) which ranges from 50-200%. The pre-delay determines the amount of time before the reverb begins. I like this plugin and I have used it on pretty much every type of track and with the right settings, it works just fine!

  3. R-Compressor:

    R stands for Renaissance. It's just a compressor but, this is a go-to plugin for many mix engineers due to its characteristics. It has Vintage Opto and modern Electro compression modes as well. It also has a button to select between warm and smooth characteristics. Warm adds low-frequency harmonics as deeper compression is applied (greater gain reduction) whereas Smooth avoids adding such harmonics, keeping the sound as close as possible to the original. The good thing about this compressor is, it has an in-built brick-wall limiter that prevents clipping.

  4. R-Bass:

    Specially designed for 'THE BASS'. I use it on the bass track almost every time I am mixing. The frequency slider which ranges from 0-256 Hz lets you select a particular frequency belo which this plugin adds it's own harmonics. The blue colored meter shows original bass level and the yellow one shows amount of harmonics added. The intensity slider is simply a level control of the Harmonics that are generated. As per my experience, it works really well. Due the 'adding harmonics' concept, the bass sound in your mix will sound good even on those radio speakers which are incapable if producing such low frequencies.

Alright, so this is something about some Waves plugins that I use. Comment your views, share the knowledge, upvote if you like and do check out my other blogs as well. Also, suggest me any topics if you want me to discuss in particular.

Thank You.

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