Education Without Numbers


Our education is very synonymous with numbers, from elementary education to secondary education, numbers become something that cannot be separated from our education system.

Assessment in our education system still uses numbers as one of the parameters of the success of the learning process. Figures 1-100 become a reference for the success of a student in taking his education, not even these numbers become the standard of graduation for a student from one level of education to the next level of education.

Numbers become something sacred in our education system, we can witness sacredness at any time. In everyday learning, students pursue and crave large numbers, as well as parents, surely they want their children to get big numbers.

Not only students and parents, teachers, principals, education units and even the government also expects all students to get a large number for the subjects they travel.

This condition is not wrong, but it should be noted by all parties that the value in the form of numbers is not the only parameter of educational success. There are still many other parameters that have not been explored optimally so far as part of educational success.

Current facts on the field indicate that the value in the form of numbers is still the main thing compared to other aspects. For example, many children are eventually scolded by their parents because of their small value. So even in the education unit, sometimes the teacher becomes the object that is blamed for the small achievement of the value that has been obtained by students.

As a result of this, various efforts were made by all parties to achieve a minimum number for each subject. Parents, students, teachers, and education units strive to pursue a minimum target number charged. Sometimes there are also those who are forced to achieve a minimum graduation rate, even though they still cannot reach it.

If the emphasis of our education is still number-oriented, then it can be up to whenever students, parents, teachers, educational units and the government are pursued more on the quantitative aspect, while qualitatively not optimally touched.

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