Photo story: the joy of my students

What is most satisfying to me as a teacher?

The answer is the cheerfulness of my students. I am satisfied when I see the smiles of my students. When I see them smiling, I feel happy. I envision a future investment. Yes, my students are a future investment for this nation.


Togetherness of my students when they come home from school. Maybe this is the time they are waiting for. They have other plans outside the school.

School is where children congregate. They socialize with their friends. They form groups based on their individual interests. Children are happy to share their experiences.


My students formed their own group. They are discussing something.

You will forget your annoyance at the behavior of your students when they see them smiling. Yes, when in class, naughty students tend to upset you. You want to scold them. However, only patience you successfully hold you to do so.


Some girls will have their best smile when you take a photo of them.

I lost my words when I saw the beautiful smiles of my students. I think the school is a place for children to forget their sadness. Children will spend their childhood in school. So teachers in the school who are the second parents for children have a big hand in shaping the character of the children.


Children give each style when you're trying to photograph them. Children will protest when their photos are ugly. I have to repeat again to take a picture of them.

I am also satisfied when I see the children are very enthusiastic in following extracurricular activities. This activity is also a positive activity for children to form their character. For example scout.


The happiness of my students when attending school's extracurricular activities. They forget about the tiredness when hanging out with their friends.

What is the meaning of a smile to my students? The smile of the students has a meaning of affection for me. They are not demanding affection, but their smile taught me to be a caring person. Yes, a teacher must love their students fairly. You should not distinguish your affection to your students. If this happens, your students will not give their respect to you. Here's what I'm worried about!


The smile of the students in the classroom is a light for me.

The teacher is the guide for the students. Students are the greatest future investment for the next generation. In the hands of the students of this nation will continue. So guide your students well!

Narrative text and photos by @teukumukhlis

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