
Today, @futurethinker commented on my ability to produce content relatively quickly. Let me explain why it is possible to write so much and it isn't because it is easy or that I pay someone at Fiverr, and it also isn't because I type fast, as I am one of the worst typists you are ever likely to meet. It is from experience.

For the last 15 or so years, I have been a Corporate trainer in Finland and have gone from company to company training all kinds of people. Many have been engineers from mobile tech, manufacturing, medical equipment, software, gaming, forestry, machinery and others. I have trained HR specialists, building developers, real estate moguls and politicians. There have also been hockey players, sports coaches, directors and actors.

It has been a very diverse group over the years and to provide clients with personalised service, I had to do a lot of learning but mostly, I had to do a lot of listening. Listening to experts speak about their business, their successes and failures and inevitably, all of the personal challenges that went along with it, taught me a lot and gave me insight into many different types of personalities.

Before, I was interested in people anyway so this field fed my interests and gave me a chance to interact heavily across many fields. It had another benefit too which was that since I was able to obtain some information across these areas, when I came across more, it was relatively easy to update what I held.

The biggest benefit dealing across such a wide section of the community was that it became relatively easy to recognise societal trends, even if they manifested differently in each group. It is kind of like an early warning system at times.

This type of profession has worked well for me as from a very young age, I was never really able to find my passion field, I never had a dream of being this or that in some speciality. So, dabbling in lots of areas gives me a chance to explore.

How does this help my writing? Well, it means that I am kind of unbounded by content or genre and I am pretty comfortable having a conversation about just about anything. With so much experience talking to specialists, I am also quite willing to admit that I am wrong once shown why. It doesn't mean that I like to admit it of course.

But, what really allows me to write a lot is that I really, really, bloody enjoy doing it now. The more I write, the more I want to write, and the more I learn, the wider afield my writing ventures. I literally spend 8-10 hours a day, 7 days a week writing at the moment and each piece spawns more ideas and forks.

Many people here at Steemit struggle to find topics to write about for a few reasons (and there are more):

  • They are trying to produce content to get votes
  • They do not want to be uncomfortable
  • They limit themselves to their specialisation
  • They are scared of failure
  • They care what people think

It isn't easy to get over some of these things but I'll let you in on a secret, waiting isn't going to help you. My advice is that for whatever issues you have holding you back in this life, write about them. You don't need to share them but, investing the energy into exploring who you are through a slow write will be amongst the most valuable things you will do in this lifetime.

Looking for your passion? Go into a quiet room with a pad and pen and do not come out until you have your answer. Or, do it openly on the blockchain, your choice.

There is so much value that is being lost because we are no longer willing to explore ourselves over long periods of time. We want fast solutions to everything we do, a pill that fixes our minds and bodies and makes us pretty. We medicate ourselves and wonder why we can't work out our issues and turn to entertainment to take our minds off it.

Oh, and perhaps I will end with that. I don't watch the news, series only very occasionally and do not game. I do play Words with Friends sometimes though. When we spend the majority of our time being entertained by the creations of others, we slowly lose the ability to be creative ourselves.

If you want to become more creative, spend time creating.

It doesn't really even matter what you create as the act of creation will lead to the next act. One of the core skills of a human is that we are a creative machine that can imagine anything at all, possible or not. Yet, most are giving up this skill to become consumption machines instead. Turn off the TV and even turn down the music for a while and see what is lurking inside of you.

Pay attention, there is so much inside that is undiscovered and the more you search, the more you will find. The well is only limited by how deep you are willing to dive.

[ a Steemit original ]

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