Connected ideas - A fun activity to improve creative writing in your class!


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This exercise can be done with one student if you home school, or an entire class. Choose two items with no apparent connections to each other, such as ball and hat, book and sweater, or a crayon and a watch. 

  • Place one of the items on the table in plain view and keep the other hidden for now.  
  • Have your students write about the object using as many details as possible. 

To add a sense of excitement and adventure, and to train them to think faster (much like a free write) set a timer. 

When they have finished with the first item, set the second one in view and have the students do the same as with the first object. 

Next, give them a fresh sheet of paper and have them write the connections they see between the two unrelated objects.  

Using both what they have written and by observing the items, ask them to describe the similarities- no matter how small.  If you are using a timer this part of the exercise should have extra time. 

Some writers will find this part easy, and have no issues finding comparisons.  Usually these students have been encouraged to use their imagination a lot.  But some will find difficulties, or even claim there are no similarities.  Patiently encourage them to open their minds and allow for creativity because there is always a connection! 

When everyone is finished ask them to share their third paragraphs.  It’s fun to see how many different connections can be found between two unrelated objects!
Once everyone is done writing, it can be fun to share those third paragraphs with the group, to see how many different connections two seemingly unconnected objects can have! 

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