The backlash to the climate change scam will be unprecedented.


First they claimed the ozone layer was going to collapse, they were wrong!.

Then it was global warming, that was way too hard statistically, so climate change it is!

After this plays out, and they have used all the usual condescending names, like "you are a climate change denier" there will be the single largest backlash, that has ever been seen in the history of our kind, People kind.

Not a single scientist will ever be believed again, once the public "knows" they only make statistics to suit agendas for £$ Money.

This is a very dangerous ground to be on, and a very bad idea, from all involved, be they the scientists, or the government wanting ever more money by tax theft!.

The credibility of those we are supposed to respect and trust, will be gone for ever!.

There you go, that was my last article on here, not willing to suck up to the boring ones, end of story!.

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