Learning an English accent: a marketable hype in Hong Kong - 說說英語口音在香港的迷思

English as a foreign language in Hong Kong

English has been taught as a language and used as a medium at some schools and also used at work, mostly formally written, in Hong Kong, despite the handover of Hong Kong to China from the UK some 21 years back. English, in local terms, is a foreign language unless one entirely works or lives in a mono-English-speaking setting where the use of English as a first language comes completely naturally.


Mastering English as a foreign language in Hong Kong probably has two implications for most local learners and their families. It may indicate that one is at the top of corporate pinnacle at which English is an essential ritual while working with English-speaking expatriates. It may also suggest that one is educated and successful.


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A stereotype around Standard Received Pronunciation (RP)

It is not uncommon for some locals to gauge English levels of fellow countrymen with an indicator measuring if one speaks with a proper English accent. A local stereotype is that one can speak with a proper accent are probably educated, ahead of the game, or probably come from a prestigious background.


Locals may have been fascinated with Standard Received Pronunciation (RP); the fascination may probably have been driven by the not-much-left British colonial influence still in Hong Kong or a 'posh' image of Standard Received Pronunciation (RP) (BBC anchors or The Royal Family are two quintessentially British things known to most locals).


Some local private language institutions or tutors have exploited the stereotype and have turned that into their advantage; while some of them even, in public, jeered at other English accents, not to mention local Hong Kong accent. When the stereotype of equating English to self-percevied success or self-esteem has been so widespread; not surprisingly, doing the Standard Received Pronunciation (RP) seems to have been a 'posh' thing to do. Many locals seem to have had huge enthusiasm and have spent much money on the 'speaking-RP-like-I-am-from-the-upper-curst' thing.


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It does not have to be Standard Received Pronunciation (RP)

I am not saying forging or mimic Standard Received Pronunciation (RP) is a sin or laughing stock. What Milroy (1992) said is still true; a language model, be it an accent or a grammatical structure, is a great way for foreign learners to start with and then move along; Standard Received Pronunciation (RP), being rather a role model of British English, is one of the models.


What I doubt and disagree about is that some locals seem to have looked down on own Hong Kong accent or anything other than what have been perceived as acceptable by their standards. Ironically enough, some of them may feel amazed at and enthusiastically praise how foreigners speak Cantonese or Chinese, even with a foreign accent. That said, courtesy and generosity do not seem to have been extended to fellow countrymen speaking English as a foreign language.


Hong Kong accent definitely is not posh as Standard Received Pronunciation (RP). Hong Kong accent is barely a regional accent. In language terms, the local Hong Kong accent represents the local culture shaped by different east and west cultures. If a regional accent is something a person feels guilty of, my deduction (from my wild guess and shallow experiences) is that all residents or citizens of the UK must do Standard Received Pronunciation (RP)?


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Success =/= accent

I was expelled from Hong Kong by my beloved parents. On and off, I have been in the UK since the early 1990s but have not seen a regular person there so deseprate for a dramatic accent change; unless one is trying hard to be a political elite in London or lick the a** of the well-off in power.


People around me in the UK have been comfortable with their regional accents. Measurable success in corporate or financial terms (yes, about self-esteem) does not seem to have equated to a proper English accent. It has been a bit of an over-the-top drama in Hong Kong where a proper accent seems to have turned in to a marketable hype deliberately used to have inflated self-esteem of some locals and have generated money for institutions or tutors in the language trade.




A language itself is a means but not an end. For a foreign English speaker, expressing what you are thinking real-time with appropriate wording and phrases is essential to mastering the language; this is far more important than a proper accent. Speak in confidence, never mind the accent, and do not think little of your local accent! It is fine to forge a standard accent as RP, but I do not see why personal success has to be pegged with how one speaks English. A marketable hype by some local institutions and tutors? To me, it always is.

語言本身是一種方法,但不是目的。對於一位英語人為非第一語言的人來說,用適當的措辭和語句實時的表達你的想法是必不可少的; 這比亮麗的重音要重要得多。自信地說英語,不用擔心口音,並且不要認為少本地口音!我不明白為什麼個人成功要與人們說英語的方式來掛鉤。一些機構和導師的市場炒作?對我來說,它永遠是。

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