(Video) The American School System Is Collapsing Under Democrat Rule.

"In my 41 years of teaching I have never seen such an avalanche bad behavior, disrespectful behavior, mob like behavior of children in schools. Is to the point that teachers are leaving this profession in groves."
Keith Williams Memphis Ed. Association

Democrats control everything in the school systems. Therefore they control our children's minds and their futures. Not only is there a lack of control, the focus of curriculum today is to undermine what made America great.

Our founding fathers fought tyranny, our teachers only teach focus on their connections with slavery.

Republicans freed the slaves, teachers focus on connecting nationalism with (racist) white nationalism, white nationalism with white supremacy, white supremacy with Republicans, Republicans with Nazism.

America's fought many wars to save millions of people from tyranny. Democrats teach American allies to go to war and that we are just tyrants.

Americans did not slaughter the American Indians. Yet the teachers teach we hunted them out of sport, shooting them out of trains and killing them with smallpox blankets.

Democrats have created a country that punishes people for being married, while providing financial incentives for having children out of wedlock. Because of this, the majority of black children in America do not have fathers.

Those children aren't properly disciplined by their mothers, who pass them over to the school system to do the job.

The school system was not created to discipline children, they were created to teach the children. Unable to handle violent children with psychological problems, many teachers are being beaten and abused causing dozens to resign.

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