That Escape By Eyes


If we often sharpen the heart, combined with the experience of life is full, and certainly if God inspects us, we can distinguish the human

Which one is sincere and which one pretends, which words come from the heart and which are artificial ones, which are the fighters and which are the traitors

We are also able to realize which ones are friends and which are just utilizing, which ones are true in the way of Allah and which ones do only for his world

For in the days of talbis, evil can be masked goodness, immoral can be polished imaging, just like shaitan used to wear angel clothes until thought to advise

Hone your heart, then you can capture the language of the heart, which can never be expressed by the sentence, which is captured by the heart is the radiated soul

Often, and will continue to happen, those who pretend before, but twist behind. Sweet face up front, but poison when we are negligent and careless

Train your race, then you will be able to see what words and faces can conceal, because words and faces are not always honest, friends are not easy to get

Especially if you love Allah and His Messenger, really, it will be bright for you, who is right, who is hypocritical, who is opportunist

Duhai, may Allah make us have friends who sincerely, who only expect the pleasure of Allah, who pray for us in their prayers, though may not meet you

Writet by : ust Felix Siauw
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