How to Achieve Goals Using Reverse Engineering



Everyday we have different tasks for different reasons and develop different methods to reach our goals. As a college student, I reset the time on my wristwatch to be 30minutes faster than real time just to attend my lectures early. The essence of this method is because my wristwatch will trigger a sense of urgency in me and make me act faster. In this post, I will be teaching how to achieve short term goals using reverse engineering.

What is Reverse Engineering



Reverse engineering is the act of disassembling a product to the scratch see how it works and then reassemble it .A very good example is reverse engineering a remote controller. I have reverse engineered the remote controller out of curiosity so many times. There are basically 3 steps in reverse engineering;

  • know the object you want to work on
  • disassemble
  • reassemble

How to achieve set goals using reverse engineering

  • Know your object:
    This is synonymous to "know your end goals". This is the first step to achieving anything in life. You have to decide on what you want to achieve. When you want to reverse engineer an object, you deal with something you can handle, therefore achievable goals that are clear, well defined and specific are goals that you should choose. For example, the end goal will be making a very good GPA in a semester.



  • Disassemble:
    After knowing your end goals, the next step will be planning how to reach your sets goals. Just like in reverse engineering, disassembling the components of the object gives you a knowledge of the how each component is connected and so In this step, you need to know the necessary steps involved in achieving the set goal. From the example, this set is where you decide the things you need to do to achieve a good GPA like increasing study hours, attending lectures and carrying out assignments.

  • Reassemble:
    Having disassembled an object, we study the different component and see the relevance of each component and then reassemble the object back to its original form. The next step is to start working on the plan. Working on the plan involves judicious use of time, setting priorities and commitment.

The Reverse engineering method is one method that comes in handy in achieving little things and little goals lead to bigger goals.


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