Thought of the Day: March 15, 2018 - Where to Learn


The world is vast and you do not have to look far to find places to learn. You do not have to ask yourself where you can discover something. Curiosity will allow you to see that every moment is made for learning.

If you don't want to learn from experience, the answers are literally in the palm of your hands. But I do not believe you can find everything you're looking for on the world wide web.

Some of the answers you seek are not on electronic devices. Rather they can be found within you, round you and in the positive and negative experiences of others.

Where you chose to acquire knowledge, depends on what information you seek. The deeper answers to life cannot be found on electronic devices. Although they may help guide you in the right direction towards the enlightenment you seek.

Who you learn from and what you choose to learn is important. There is just to much knowledge for anyone person to digest.

Where you go to learn from matters. The timing of when you decide to learn something new or different determine when or if you reach your life destination.

You get to choose when you want to start your journey and this will depend on your believes, goals and the experience you want.

There is no right or wrong way to understand when it comes to experience. Experience is a teacher regardless if the outcome is positive or negative. And it does not have to be your experience.

Depending on what you hope to accomplish, you must focus on other things to learn. Books, coaches, podcasts, teachers, bosses, employees and even random strangers can teach you the lessons of life.

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