Education is the one and only solution to the problems in the blockchain environment.

I am not a genius or even smarter than the average. I don't think I know a whole lot about anything. I only have an AA degree in general education. I realized on my way to getting a bachelor's that in the main I was only receiving heavy doses of indoctrination and frankly a whole lot of deception about not only how the society works but how the real world works.


Source mine and this is I

The things that I do know came about because of myself education. Knowing who you are is the key to creating that better you we all strive for. The truth as I understand it is that the education environment is a complete 180° change from the indoctrination environment we were all brought up in. So I want to discuss with everyone the difference between education and indoctrination. I also want to tie that in with the effect of environments on humans being and their behavioral response to outside stimuli. Not all in one post and in fact this post is mostly going to familiarize you with how I think and give general outlines about things I feel are important.

Some incredible claims will be made and I will seek to supply evidence in the form of studies and in the form of experience that we all can verify through our own experiences. At no time do I want the steemian to think that I am dictating how it is. lol In fact I am going to share how I feel about testis lickers.

Testimony without evidence is in my opinion the worst method for determining truth and is second only to just having faith. The ancients had a unique comprehension of testimony. Testimony comes from Latin word testis which means an organ that produces spermatozoa (male reproductive cells). Thus to give testimony is to show your testis and to take someone’s word in my mind is to give the testis a lick. I may have to show you my intellectual testis, but I sure do not have to accept a lick from anyone!

You can read more about how I think in terms of logic and reason by reading my very first post here on Steemit. It is a post that is no longer making money and really I don't care if I make money on it, but it will allow you to understand me and how I think. I had a great conversation with nobody as I don't think anyone even saw it. lol

Here is the link:

Some of the things I am going to discuss in my future post will make some people feel very uncomfortable. Some things will bring out emotional responses, which I really cannot help you with, except to remind you that your emotion are yours and to go within to find out why you feel something. Some things will make a very small percentage of people physically ill. If that happens I suggest that perhaps taking my post in smaller bites will help. I know that most people will at some point decide masoncerritos is nuts and stop reading my post. So be it! The one thing you will be able to count on from me is to tell the truth as I understand it. If at any time you think I am a liar, please feel free to tell me so in comments. I won't die, or throw a fit, because I have the horse before the cart.

You can see for yourself what I mean when I say I have the horse before the cart in this post I recently made.

Link is here: [

Now I am going to share something with you that you won't hear in the academic world. It is extremely important because if you don't understand this then you well continual become confused about the real world. It is the kind of thing that prevents critical thinking because the word itself has been falsely charged with positive emotions and represented as a positive realty when in fact though it is the ideal and it is a negative reality because the closer to it you get in reality the more it changes. Thus it is a moving target. Always evolving and transforming as a result of our success in bringing it closer to reality and existence.

The concepts name is objective reality. We human being do not experience objective reality. We experience what exist, which is never the ideal. All of our improvements through changing our environment bring us closer to our personal objective and ideal reality. In creating a world that is by definition closer to the idea it changes the subjective reality which moves the objective reality further along the path of evolution.

So I am going to say something that is going to make people uncomfortable. A truth about objectivity is that we can only imagine the ideal reality because we are subjected to what exist. If I am running and fall than I am subjected to the effects of scraping my knee, breaking my leg or even breaking my neck. This is why most of us are really good at imagining things and suck at dealing with reality. We would rather be in the pleasant ideal objective reality, than deal with the dirty dishes, dirty diapers or the asshole next door. We are COWARDS.

The good news is that we are all equally cowards and no one is better or worse. No one is less subject to reality or desires less the ideal world of objectivity. We are all equally denied the ability to ignore pain and we are all subject to the desire to know pleasure. The truth is that in understanding these concept about reality you see how you are bound to being subjected to reality and always desiring to fly toward the objective reality is really a reaching for the spirit world. Spirit to me just means highest consciousness.

The only other thing about the objective imagination and the subjectivity of our reality is how beautiful and wonderful it is to understand that we are hear to create heaven (the objective or ideal world) here on earth. So we are not here with the goal of dying and going to heaven. We are here to evolve into the ideal world. Understanding this brings the depth of the crimes religion has brought into our subjective reality.

I know that this is an incredible claim and so this is one of those times where a source should be used. The truth here is that we really don't have many real scientists and truthfully most people don't know how to read abstracts and determine whether or not it is real natural science that is being performed. Let me tell you this is really just testimony because we don't have the ability to duplicate the experiments that brought on the conclusions in the abstract. This being the case I am going to ask that you read another post I wrote not to long ago. Again I don't care if you upvote or comment at all. However it does explain about natural science briefly.

Here is that other study below.

In the next post I will attempt to define education, indoctrination, and environment.

I sure hope my ramblings have value for my fellow steemians.

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