College Admissions Discussion - beginning the process

I'm on the tail-end of finishing my M.S. degree and now I 'm in a place where I can start thinking colleges for my students.
I've got a high school senior, high school sophomore and middle schooler and I'm creating a place to discuss thoughts and experiences.

My high school senior has already started taking community college classes at her high school. She has never been really interested in academics, as she has reading comprehension challenges, but knows that college is expected. So far she's doing well and the plan is for her to continue with community college until she figures out what she wants to do.

My younger daughter is much more academically inclined and may be able to make it directly to a four year school. Creating a plan to get through the college search and financial aid process is the first step. I don't think it is too early to start.

  1. PSAT's in October (fall of Sophomore year) -- already registered

  2. Depending on scores, consider if we need PSAT prep. Retake PSAT's as a junior and SAT's as a senior

  3. Discuss with my daughter a plan for building relationships with mentors/teachers so that she has teachers for recommendation letters, if needed.

  4. Visit a few college websites this year. See what the options are.

What have you done to prepare and what are some things to do to be prepared?images.jpg

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