Keeping Lifelines Open.

I'm sitting here in Centerlink, the Australian welfare offices, once again going through the steps of applying for job seekers allowance. It's not a nice process, but I have to be grateful we have this option while the job markets crash around us. For many the only saviour might be charity, so I feel like it's more important than ever to keep up trying to support some of the charities on this blockchain.

@azizbd runs a lot of projects in his home town in Bangladesh to help those in poverty. His school, @schoolforsdg4, not only offers free education for local children, but does weekly fruit for them and monthly meals for all children who can come, offering nourishment they may not normally have access to. He also does food packages for local families in poverty when funds allow.

His other charity on the blockchain is @womenempowerment, which is a project which trains women, teaching skills which will help them to make a living to support their family.

In Venezuela, @lopzdaniel runs a project called @littledisciples which supports local children in poverty. It is more than just a school for those children, often helping them to buy basic things like clothing and providing meals for them.

These projects show how, for many people in many countries, charities and the hard working people behind them are the only lifeline for many in poverty. I can't offer much to these charities, but I will offer what I can if it will help to keep these lifelines there.

I know I've been lass at posting for this cause and the Steem prices have been disappointing, but that's no reason to give up. As hard as things get, Azizbd and Lopzdaniel haven't given up, so this post is a fundraiser to help keep these lifelines open.

All Liquid funds from this post will go to @familyprotection, @gloriouskids, @littledisciples and @schoolforsdg4 in the form of @steembasicincome shares or donations.


Artwork by @svitlaangel

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