Total reading - smart reading. How to read consciously.

To become clever, it is enough to read 10 books, but to find them, you need to read thousands.

During my relatively short life I read about 700 books, or even more. At first I was fascinated by classic literature and fiction. After - fantastic genre. But with age came the understanding that personal development requires specialized literature. On psychology, marketing, investment. I loved the biographies of rich, successful and famous personalities.
Undoubtedly, with each book I became the best version of myself.

A source

Literally yesterday I got acquainted with the techniques of Yitzhak Pintosevich, the Ukrainian life and business coach. It is called "Total Reading". This technique has turned my attitude to reading!

The bottom line is that:

  • For 30 minutes every day, we need to read a fragment of the book,
  • Write down your own thoughts about what you read,
  • Tell at least three people about the read. (I'll tell you. I think this is also considered;))

Yitzhak promises that memorability of the read will increase by 95%!
And life will play with new colors and will bear fruit of success!
That's great, is not it?

It turns out home self-education. After all, at the university and at school we wrote summary in order to better remember the information. And after that we retold the reading in front of the audience.

I decided to start the marathon of conscious reading with the book by Robert Kiyosaki "Rich Dad, Poor Dad!"

World bestseller, a handbook on investment.

After all, the truth says that:

Those who watch television will always be managed by those who read books.

I choose to be in the second group.
And you?

Follow my blog to learn more about smart books.
Kind regards,
Katy @ladykatybit

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