What's the purpose of a child's education? PT.2

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After my last post on the topic, What's the purpose of a child's education? I decided to do some more thinking about it. I am a father and of course, I want the best for my child, education being on top of the list. I have my own opinion on it but before I talk about it let's take a trip back in time to when I was a student myself.

I don't know much about the education systems in the western countries but in Kuwait, we had to be in school by 7 AM, classes started around 8 o'clock in the morning. Each class lasted for 30 minutes and we would have 30 minutes recess after 2 hours before continuing again with the classes. School ended at exactly 1 o'clock in the afternoon and we would all be back home by 1:30 to have our lunch.

A lot of people considered me a bookworm because I loved reading books on a variety of topic but they couldn't have been more wrong. Mainly because even though I loved studying, I also liked to play soccer with my friends in the evening. So after I was done with school, I would have some time to rest before I would pick up my books and start by finishing my homework. Later on in the evening I would go out and play soccer in the desert with some of the Arab kids that I knew.

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I wasn't a delinquent but I wasn't someone who paid attention in my classes either. To be honest I spent the majority of my time sleeping during the class but that didn't stop me from being an honor student. I loved studying mainly because I had a thirst for knowledge and my early childhood teachers did well on imprinting that thirst into my very being. I am not saying that all children should be like me. Like I have mentioned before and I quote...

"Teachers should focus on nurturing the children and no two souls are alike."

We are all one, that is a fact I agree with because we are part of the human race, but we are also different, we have our own individuality which gives us our interests. So just because something worked for me doesn't mean it would work for another student. What I am trying to say is that...children should be properly nurtured...it is a parent's and a teacher's job to bring out that much-needed thirst for knowledge in their wards or children.

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There is still much I would like to discuss with you guys but I don't have the right words at the moment to express myself so I will just leave it for another time. What do you guys think of my opinion so far? How do you think teachers should go about nurturing their wards? What should we do as parents in order to get them interested in studying on their own instead of forcing it upon them?

Thank you for reading and much love! <3


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