Difference between a Pulsar and a Quasar?

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A pulsar is a neutron star that emits radiation periodically. It consists of three layers: a solid core, a "liquid" mantle and a thin, solid crust.

They are composed of 10% neutrons and 10% electrons and emit regular pulses of electromagnetic radiation. Pulsars spin very fast. These stars are the products of the explosive transformation of a massive star. The radio waves of a pulsar escape from its north and south magnetic poles.

More details here: pulsar

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A Quasar are those that look like stars, but they are extremely luminous objects at all wavelengths.

The redshift exhibited by them reveals that they are at great distances. They are likely to form from black holes, when a large part of their mass is converted into energy; Such energy would be what we see as a quasar.

They can release energy capable of illuminating a galaxy and equivalent to millions of suns. Currently, more than 200,000 quasars have been identified.

- Pulsars are highly magnetized rotating neutron stars, while quasars are extremely powerful and distant active galactic nuclei.

- Quasars are bigger than pulsars.

- Pulsars are less bright than quasars.

- Quasars are more distant than pulsars.

- The pulsars have pulse and rotation, while the quasars do not.

- Quasars are associated with black holes, while pulsars are not.

- Pulsars are newer than quasars.

More details here: Quasar

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