@globalschool Report - Day 4 Creative Thursday

Today as every day we started at 10h with our groups of students joining during the @globalschool from Hungary for 3 weeks in Vienna, Austria. As yesterday the students after getting the requirement started to think and sketch their own project idea, today those who have media projects such as animations, poster or video will have all the day to focus on the production.

While @manncpt was still traveling and @gexi helping Fatima to be ready for her presentation of tomorrow until beginning of afternoon I'll manage all the groups. To begin, I asked the students how long each of them would need to finalize their project. Each student has a different project, so we have to consider what fits the best for today planning for everyone to allow each of them to realize their ideas.

In the afternoon, a group joined @mammasitta and another group of 3 went to meet @gexi at the EGA to support Philipp with the last prepartions before the day of the event of @artcanhelp. The third group stayed with me and worked on project for which they needed a lot of focus and a particular setup to support their creative process. Here some pictures of those who worked with me in the afternoon.

While on her side @mammasitta involved her group in getting to know more about #steemit white paper, then about the white paper of #ono, to raise awareness about FGM and address notably the education field and involve more psycological experts to support the action, Gregory decided to make a painting illustration. After sketching this morning he went to buy all the equipment he needed and started an amazing and colorful creation.

Izabella worked on an illustration for the report her group started with @mammasitta yesterday. While Bella took over the main role for the black and white movie they decided to produce with Panna.

Szandi is making an amazing work in creating an animation to raise awareness about FGM addressed to young women.

Aniko and Klau worked each of them on a poster.

Petra and Bogi after finalizing their poster to raise awareness towards broad public started to get involved about @fundition to setup a crowdfunding page.

After acting as main role in the short movie, Bella worked on its edition.

At around 18h after finishing with the students, I met @gexi for a little briefing and setup the goals for next week as we will have the IT group in addition to the current ones. We agreed to ask the group we have now to train the new group with their recent knowledge of #blockchain and support both them and us during their onboarding process with us. Then we will focus on addressing the Network Nomadic Agency requirements, start notably with the @onoscial SPs, @blocktv, @neomad and the @com-lab platforms.

@gexi made an incredible work in supporting the @artcanhelp today additionally to his Mentorship role, he is making a lot to enable the next steps to happen! As for @manncpt and @mammasitta and all our teamand community, I'll be glad to continue these efforts to ensure rewards for such dedication! (I am confident, everything is on the way. ^^) :)

In the evening I met @manncpt who came back from his trip with @mundharmonika at the steemit meetup of Munchen. We updated each other to be ready for the next days.

The day is still not over and so much more to share! I can't wait to tell you more and show you the results of all of this!

Tomorrow, additionally to:

  • 1 x animation
  • 1 x short movie
  • 4 posters
  • 2 x t shirt designs

If we have some time, we will make some infographics to explain what we did and how we could do even more with some support of the audience of the event and online contributors. And if we are ready, we will explain all of this in the evening in front of the audience and launch our @fundition page!

How to Get Involved?

If you are a steemian that supports our idea, there are many ways you could help!

Talk to me - Find me on the com-lab

If you have anything you want to chat with me about. Just click on the link and join the discord server. It is an invitation for collaboration: https://discord.gg/nYj4zd9

NB: You can also find me on telegram: @jean_onoschool


With a lot of love,

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