Contemporary and transformative vision of higher education

Designing a new educational system that considers effective solutions within this contemporary world, is the challenge that we must pose in the present time, this with the intention of accommodating the new challenges that are to come within a new order of ideas where the university education system provide real and tangible solutions to the problems of our peoples. Education promulgates to be in better conditions in order to face a globalized, competitive world that is going at a dizzying pace and in constant changes. All these new challenges are posed by the need to go speculating on certain aspects that involve the university education of the future. For my criterion, the agenda items that should be present for the present and not too distant future, and taking into account that the young people of today will be the future professionals who will contribute science and technicality to tomorrow's problems should be given under the following view:
  • University education must be seen as the fundamental pillar and axis of all other functions that take place within modern societies, where higher education is one of the keys to set in motion the processes necessary to face the challenges of the modern world.

  • Not only universities must be seen to solve the problems that lie ahead, but other institutions and academic, scientific and professional organizations, through their teaching, training, research and services functions, represent a key and necessary factor in the development and application of strategies that help to overlap and strengthen the higher education system.

  • It requires a new vision of university education, which combines the demands of the difficult to learn within the grand universe and diverse of our universities with the imperative of greater relevance and quality, all this in order to meet the expectations of the actual society.

  • All the vision generated in the previous points give strength to the principles of academic freedom and institutional autonomy, while at the same time emphasizing the responsibility of university teaching in front of the current society.


If all within a large group that generates a contemporary vision to achieve to adapt higher education to the height of the new challenges and that we can determine certain key aspects to achieve an effective functioning between the current society and the universities, then we have to work in favor of the pertinence necessary to elaborate a superior educational model of quality and that at the same time is oriented to levels of internationalization.

In order to achieve that relevant higher education, a fusion of sincere, hard and mutual link between the component systems of higher education and society is necessary, since our society demands solutions from the university sectors, generating a cumulative of expectations of science and the intrinsic technology within our universities.

It is not enough that higher education addresses the problems of the labor market, but must also enact ethical and moral values, with the intention of awakening those desires to venture into the society of future graduates of our universities, with active and participatory civic spirit, and thus generate growth, development in all areas of contemporary society.

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