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After darkness πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘to light πŸ™„πŸ™„

O mankind, after hunger there is full, after thirst there is satisfaction, after staying awake there sleep soundly, and after pain there is healing. Every lost one will surely meet, in error will come clues, in difficulty there is ease, and every darkness will be brightly lit. {May Allah will bring victory (to His Messenger) or a decision from His side.}
(Surah Al-Maidah: 52)
Bring good news to the evening that the dawn must have drove him out of the mountaintops and valley basins. Also tell people who are in trouble that, help will come as fast as light-and blink of the eye. Also tell the oppressed people that softness and warm arms will arrive soon. image

When you look at the stretch of the prairie, which seems to extend indefinitely, know that beyond that distance there is a lush garden full of green leaves.

When you see a rope stretch tight, know that, the rope will soon break. Every cry will culminate with a smile, fear will end in a sense of security, and anxiety will be dissipated by peace. The flames were incapable of burning the body of Prophet Ibrahim a. And that, because divine help opens the "window" while saying:

{Fire be cool and be salvation to Abraham.}

(Surat al-Anbiya ': 69)

The vast oceans could not drown the Sentence of Rahman (Moses a.s). It was none other than that great voice at that time had said, {Nothing will ever be overtaken. In fact, my Rabb is with me, someday He will guide me.}

(Surah Asy-Syu'ara :: 62)

When hiding from the pursuit of the infidels in a cave, the Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. the ma'shum preaches to Abu Bakr that Allah, the Most High and Most High are with them. Thus, a sense of security, calm and calm came covering Abu Bakr.

Those who are fixated at a limited time and in conditions that (may) are very dark, generally will only feel the pain, misery, and despair in their lives. That, because they just stared at the walls of the rooms and doors of their homes. In fact, they should puff out the back of the veil and think further about things that are outside the fence of his house.
Therefore, do not ever feel oppressed sejengkalpun, because every circumstance must change. And as good as worship is waiting patiently for ease. However, day after day will continue to roll, year after year will always change, night after night come and go. However, the unseen will remain hidden, and the All-Wise remains on the state and all His attributes. And God will probably create something new after all. But really, after that difficulty will still appear ease.

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