Disconnected Kids

Our daughter is going through a program called Brain Balance. It was created by Dr. Robert Melillo. He has written a book called Disconnected Kids. Through his studies of the brain, he has discovered that many children in our world have learning disabilities due to the imbalance of the left and right hemispheres of the brain. Our daughter's right hemisphere is weaker than the left. She reads well and does well in school but we have noticed she struggles with tasks that kids her age should be able to do. She is 7 years old. She cannot tie her shoes or ride a bike without training wheels. We have noticed other things as well.

As I read this book, I am going to share quotes that I believe highlight the struggles our children face. If you have a child with ADD, ADHD, Autism, Dyslexia, or other issues related to the brain, you may want to follow along. This program may be for you or it might not be. We like the program because Dr. Melillo takes a whole-body, non-drug approach to solving these issues.

"We live in a world and a time of great contradiction. On the one hand, we are experiencing unprecedented advances in technology. The world's information is literally at our fingertips. We can access high-tech entertainment on a giant screen in a flash. We can communicate with anyone anywhere in the world with a smartphone. Yet at the same time, we are experiencing an alarming escalation in the number of children who cannot fully function in this world because they don't have fully functioning brains. Today there are 21 million children who have been diagnosed with severe attention, behavioral, or learning problems. Every day thousands more are being diagnosed with ADHD, autism spectrum disorder, dyslexia, Tourette syndrome, obsessive-compulsive disorder, bipolar disorder, or other frightening conditions that confirm someithing is not right with the brain." Dr. Melillo

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