The world and its mathematical language


Since you have the age to understand nature and everything that composes you can observe a depth in everything that it encompasses, but it is necessary to understand that the environment has its own language that allows an explicit understanding of how it is; this language is within the area of ​​physics and of course covers the simplest mathematical laws. It is well known that when we are students we are afraid of this language, which includes those mathematical equations that caused so much headaches to the student.

When you come to understand the elegance that encompasses the mathematical world and with it the physics we can recognize all the natural languages ​​that encompass a disproportionate discovery of the world. Although sometimes, we consider those who understand this language as "lunatic" people because they have the ability to be by our side sharing information as if they were talking in paradigmatic codes, but these "encrypted" messages guide us to learning the medium. Perhaps in the search for human understanding, the discovery of greater significance is to know that nature is written in mathematical keys, which are understandable by the application of physical processes.

The most representative evidence that nature is written in a mathematical language, is the prediction of eclipses, because there were scientists who sought the study or discovery of the movements of the solar system; as well as, in the study of music recognizing that thanks to the exact distance that exists from one string to another, it can produce a different sound. Similarly, the moment in which Newton made his most emblematic discovery that is that the gravity of the earth comprises a mathematical formula (law of the inverse to the square).

What is the benefit of knowing the language of nature?

Human beings can observe things that seem systematic or not important that are simply found in our environment; but suppose that we analyze our environment at every moment, we will understand that they are simplified mathematical expressions caused in a systematic way by the same environment, which will allow us to reason in the care and precision that the development of humanity must have. The analysis of this leads to the assertion that nature seeks a simplification of "true" that reveal a genuine feature of human existence, with a knowledge of the past and future product of natural evolution.

Author @gersonbernal

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